Building Official
Building Official Information:
The Union Building Office reviews the construction of all structures that are regulated by the building code in town to ensure compliance with state related building codes. For all construction, an approved building permit must be obtained
For substantial improvements (This includes sheds, additions, swimming pools, garages, etc.) an approved Zoning Compliance Certificate must be obtained before construction is started. Please contact the building official if in doubt.
Zoning Compliance Certificates are obtained by attending a Planning & Zoning Commission Meeting, held the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Town Hall. Applicants will be required to complete a “Zoning Permit Application”
Building Permits can be accessed online or in the Selectman’s Office.
All fees are payable by cash or check, payable to the Town of Union.
The Building Permit Fee Multiplier (including Educational Training Fee) is $14.26 per $1,000 for residential.
The minimum fee is $35.00.
Commercial Building Permit Fee Multiplier is $16.26 per $1,000.
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