Board of Assessment Appeals Meeting Minutes


Board of Assessment Appeals

1043 Buckley Highway, Union CT 06076


Minutes of September 6, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Present:  David M. Heck, Ed Fournier

The minutes of the March 22, 2024 meeting were reviewed.  Motion made to accept minutes as presented by Ed Fournier, seconded by David M. Heck.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Discussion and review of proposed 2025 meeting dates was held.  Motion to approve the slate of dates as listed below by David M. Heck, seconded by Ed Fournier.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

  • Friday, February 21, 2025, 7:30PM
  • Friday, March 7, 2025, 7:30PM
  • Friday, March 14, 2025, 7:30PM
  • Saturday, March 15, 2025, 10:00AM
  • Friday, March 21, 2025, 7:30PM
  • Friday, September 12, 2025 from 7:30PM to 8:30PM (motor vehicle appeals only)

No motor vehicle assessment appeals were presented to the board during this meeting.

Motion to adjourn was made by David M. Heck, seconded by Ed Fournier.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM

Respectfully submitted by

David M. Heck

BOAA Chairman/Secretary


Board of Assessment Appeals

1043 Buckley Highway, Union CT 06076


Minutes of March 15, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Present:  David M. Heck, Ed Fournier, Charles Sweetland

The minutes of the March 8, 2024 meeting were read.  Motion made to accept minutes as presented by Ed Fournier, seconded by David M. Heck.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Appeal hearings:

The assessment appeal hearing for 84 Webster Rd. was held.  The appellant(s) did not attend the hearing and the Board discussed previously submitted information.  The assessment value from Vision Government Solutions, Inc., the company which performed the reval, was determined to be on par with Connecticut real estate price increases in the last 5 years.  A motion to deny the appeal was made by David M. Heck, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The board vote to deny the appeal was unanimous.

The assessment appeal hearing for 510 Buckley Hwy. was held.  Mr. Mission informed the board the shed/out building count as assessed is correct and that portion of the appeal was withdrawn.  Photos of interior and exterior conditional issues were presented as evidence.  The Board decided to seek additional information from the Assessor’s office before rendering a decision.  David M. Heck will gather the information for the next meeting.  No decision was made.

The assessment appeal for Union Bee Company was discussed.  Based on information from the Assessor’s Office a new Personal Property form is to be submitted by Thomas Bacon removing duplicate entries for two tractors used by the farm.  The assessment increase was determined to be a coding error in the Vision system regarding farm machinery exemptions and this information was relayed to the Assessor for correction.  Since the corrections will be made on the form by Mr.  Bacon and the exemption corrected by the Assessor the board had no actionable items and voted to deny the appeal.  Motion made by David M. Heck, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The board vote to deny the appeal was unanimous.

The assessment appeal hearing regarding the Open Space denial for property on Bush Rd. owned by Jason Lake was held.  Based on information previously submitted and discussed at the hearing it was determined the Assessor’s Office denial of the application was correct.  State of Connecticut Statute 12-64 designates the State as a “recording state” for real estate transactions.  The deed for the property in question was recorded after October 1 which was the basis for the Open Space denial.  Motion to deny the appeal made by Charles Sweetland, seconded by Ed Fournier.  The board vote to deny the appeal was unanimous.

The assessment appeal hearing regarding 21-26 Howard Rd. was held.  Mr. Teeson presented information regarding the assessment of both the dwelling and outbuilding.  Based on the information presented and discussed the Board will seek additional information from the Assessor’s Office.  David M. Heck will gather the information for the next meeting.  No decision was made.

A motion to cancel the 10:00AM Saturday, March 16, 2024 Board of Assessment Appeals hearing was made by David M. Heck.  The motion was seconded by Ed Fournier and the vote in favor was unanimous.

A motion to adjourn at 9:35PM was made by Ed Fournier, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The vote in favor was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by

David M. Heck

BOAA Chairman/Secretary


Board of Assessment Appeals

1043 Buckley Highway, Union CT 06076


Minutes of March 8, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Present:  David M. Heck, Ed Fournier, Charles Sweetland

The minutes of the February 23, 2024 meeting were read.  Motion made to accept minutes as presented by Ed Fournier, seconded by David M. Heck.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Appeal hearings:

The assessment appeal hearing for a 2013 Hyundai Tuscon was held.  Mrs. Enderlin presented information regarding the vehicle.  As explained to Mrs. Enderlin State statutes require the Office of Policy Management (OPM) to select guidebooks to value vehicles in the State based on the “Clean Retail Value”.  The assessed value of the vehicle in question, including a high-mileage reduction, is in line with the State mandated values.  A motion to deny the appeal was made by Charles Sweetland, seconded by Ed Fournier.  The board vote to deny the appeal was unanimous.

The assessment appeal hearing for 115 Barrows Road was held.  The assessment pre and post revaluation and information presented by Mrs. Enderlin was reviewed.  The assessment value from Vision Government Solutions, Inc., the company which performed the reval, was determined to be on par with Connecticut real estate price increases in the last 5 years.  A motion to deny the appeal was made by Ed Fournier, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The board vote to deny the appeal was unanimous.

The personal property appeal from Thomas Bacon was held.  A review of the submitted personal property form shows duplicate entries for two tractors.  An updated form will be submitted by Mr. Bacon to the form for review and action at a later meeting.

A brief discussion regarding appeal hearings scheduled for March 13, 2024 was held.

A motion to adjourn at 9:00PM was made by Ed Fournier, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The vote in favor was unanimous and the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted by

David M. Heck

BOAA Chairman/Secretary


Board of Assessment Appeals

1043 Buckley Highway, Union CT 06076


Minutes of February 23, 2024 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Present:  David M. Heck, Ed Fournier, Charles Sweetland

The minutes of the September 8, 2023 meeting were read.  Motion made to accept minutes as presented by Ed Fournier, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Seven written appeals from 6 appellants were submitted to the board by the February 20, 2023 deadline.  The appeals were briefly discussed to determine any additional information the BOAA may need regarding them.  David M. Heck will gather said information.

Hearing dates and times were discussed and assigned to the 6 appellants.  Letters along with a copy of the appeal listing the scheduled date/time will be sent no later than 2/26/2024.

Motion to adjourn at 8:30PM by Ed Fournier, seconded by Charles Sweetland.  The vote in favor was unanimous.

Respectfully submitted by

David M. Heck

BOAA Chairman/Secretary