Selectmen Meeting Minutes

David D. EatonFirst Selectman
Town Hall
1043 Buckley Hwy
Union, CT 06076

Tue: 9-12
Wed: 9-12 & 1-3
Thur: 9-12

Phone: (860) 684-3812
Fax: (860) 684-8830

Selectmen’s Meeting                                September 17, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock; Tree Warden Christopher Magnano

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the September 3, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Flyer sent from DEMHS with election day voter security tips
  • The Town Democratic Committee has appointed Willard Paul as Democrat Registrar
  • First Selectman Eaton will attend the MidNeroc meeting virtually on Thursday, September 19
  • DOT in process of planning to replace the oil/water separator at the weigh station
  • Thank you email sent to Henry Justus for the table for Selectman’s Office
  • OPM Zoning compliance certification information
  • A request was received for email addresses for each of the registrars
  • Flu Clinic 9/12/24 was successful with 60+ shots administered
  • Still waiting on stop sign for 171/190 intersection
  • Yale Forest Harvest Festival notice for September 28 

New Business:

  • The October 1, 2024 meeting will be cancelled due to lack of quorum. The Selectmen will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.
  • Land Transfer from the Congregational Church of Union to the Town of Union is completed. The Quit Claim deed is signed and filed with Town Clerk.

Old Business:

  • CEN Fiber Optic and VOIP installation plans are moving forward. The town is waiting on the contract. George Taylor from IP Genie followed up on the progress. He will be informed of the additional phone needed at town garage.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: The current Chair and Vice Chair of the Board were reelected for another 5 years. The State of Connecticut Commissioner for Public Health attended the meeting, along with the Deputy Commissioner. The issues of training and certification for public sanitarians was discussed. It was also discussed that the Board send a letter to participating towns to use in requesting that our legislators require an increase in the State per capita payment to towns and establish a procedure that identifies how the per capita payments will adjust to increased Health Department fees going forward.
  • Ballot Box recording: A quote was received from Insation Technologies. Installation is required by July 1, 2025. The 2024-2025 budget will be reviewed after January to determine payment plan.
  • Cardboard recycling: The trial for separating cardboard from the single stream recycling will begin when the bin is set up.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:20 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                September 3, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the August 20, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Email from Sec. of State Stephanie Thomas with updated information regarding FOI request “Fight voter fraud”
  • $1 million in ARPA funding is being designated to help with early voting cost for towns
  • Work on EV chargers in back of Town Hall is ongoing
  • The Quit Claim deed for church property has been received and will be signed
  • Eversource email regarding most recent rate increase
  • Auditors are scheduled for September 10 & 11
  • Traffic Logics email regarding automated speed enforcement cameras
  • Wendy Rego of CEN will be sending the contract for the installation of the fiber internet in town buildings
  • Final Budget vs. Actual Report for FY 2023-2024

New Business:

  • The Democratic Town Committee will be appointing a Registrar of Voters at their September 13 meeting.
  • A cardboard recycling bin will be placed at the transfer station.
  • A meeting was held on Friday, August 30 with Eversource regarding the reliability scorecard and Eversource’s response to the high number of outages. Work is planned to reduce the frequency of outages, particularly at Webster, Old Brown and Stickney Hill Roads.

Old Business: 

  • CEN Fiber Optic and VOIP installation plans are moving forward.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: Selectman Murdock attended the Finance Board Meeting last week. The NDDH budget is on track.
  • Ballot Box recording: The specific requirements of the State have been forwarded to Insation. The Selectman’s Office will follow up with David Demars.
  • Jan-Pro Cleaning agreed to end the contract effective October 1. 2024. Robyn Wass will take over TOB cleaning beginning October 7, 2024.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:30 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                August 20, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the August 6, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Correspondence ongoing with company that installed the EV chargers, which are still not working
  • DEEP email regarding 4th quarter land use report
  • Email from Stafford requesting that towns send letters to the Governor, Lt. Governor and Legislators addressing public utility benefit charge
  • Meeting Wed. August 28, 3pm with DEEP regarding watercraft ordinance and parking issues on Rte 171
  • Thank you email from Jeannine Upson for acknowledgement of Historical Society 50th anniversary
  • Tax Collector Report

New Business:

  • The Board discussed CEN fiber optic installation, including review of cost comparison, saving $150 a month, along with need for internet quality upgrades, as well as alarm system compatibility. Following discussion, First Selectman Eaton made the motion to enter into a contract with CEN for fiber optic internet for the town office building and town garage. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote unanimous.
  • Selectman Heck made the motion to move the town hall phone system to IP Genie for VOIP. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • The issue of lack of residents using 2024 permits for transfer station usage was discussed. The Selectmen approved notification of permits required for 2025 in order to use the transfer station. Going forward, notice with directions and contact information to obtain permits will be distributed at the transfer station.
  • The Town Hall cleaning contract was reviewed. Selectman Murdock made a motion to terminate the town’s contract with Jan-Pro Cleaning, effective in 30 days, or not renew in January 2024, if necessary. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

First Selectman Eaton will submit written notice for non-performance issues to Jan-Pro Cleaning, with notice of 30 days contract cancellation.

Old Business:

  • Northeast District Department of Health: The Commissioner of the State Department of Public Health is coming for meeting at NDDH on September 16. Discussion may include grants and assistance for a new location for NDDH.  There is also a request that participating town residents request increase from State of their portion allocated into the public health department.


  • Ballot Box recording. First Selectman Eaton will obtain the legislation to Town tech D. Demars at Insation to get specific parameters required for the ballot box recording requirement.

Selectmen’s Meeting

August 20, 2024

Page 2


Other Business:

  • The Registrar applied for a grant for a 2024 rural and non-metro election infrastructure grant. The grant was awarded in the amount of $5,000 to use for early voting.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:30 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                August 6, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Representatives from IP Genie for discussion of VOIP for the Town Hall.

Minutes from the July 16, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • There is a scheduled meeting with DEEP on August 14 addressing ordinance issue and traffic issue.
  • Eversource has reached out to have a virtual meeting to discuss the reliability scorecard.

New Business:

  • Following discussion regarding town payroll, Selectman Heck made a motion that beginning January 1, 2025, all town employees are paid through direct deposit. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • CEN Fiber Internet and VOIP Option: First Selectman Eaton reviewed the current cost with Cox for town hall phone and internet. The monthly savings with CEN fiber internet and VOIP quotes from IT Genie and Insation Tech is approximately $150. The installation of CEN Fiber Internet and VOIP will be put on the August 20, 2024 agenda to be brought to vote.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: First Selectman Eaton and Selectman Murdock met with the new NDDH Director, Luigi Sartori. There have been positive changes with the new leadership.
  • Paint Recycling at the Transfer Station: Paint recycling has begun. The attendants monitor drop offs. The recycling parameters will be posted on the website.

Other Business:

  • Early voting discussion.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:55 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                July 16, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock; resident Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the July 2, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Email from Engineering Firm rep DOT chip sealing Routes 89, 30 and 289
  • An email and photo displaying traffic tie-up and issue of parking along 171 for Bigelow Hollow State Park for the July 4 holiday was sent to Rep Vail and Senator Gordon
  • Email from the engineer assigned for STEAP Grant regarding contractors for approved projects
  • Cyber Security grant email from Insation
  • Meeting with Casella Waste regarding container for recycling cardboard at the Transfer Station

New Business:

  • Selectman Murdock made a motion to appoint Lee A. Fitgzerald to fill the vacancy on Zoning Board of Appeals effective immediately until the next election. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote unanimous.
  • Per State Statute, effective July 2025 the Town must record the absentee ballot box, and the recording must be available for the public to view. The security cameras are not for public viewing. First Selectman Eaton will follow up with Insation Technologies for recommendations and get the cost of a separate camera to record for public view upon request.

Old Business:

  • CEN Fiber Internet and VOIP Option: The VOIP IP Genie proposal was reviewed and discussed. George Taylor of IP Genie will attend the August 6 meeting to discuss the proposal.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: none
  • Paint Recycling at the Transfer Station: Training will be held on July 17. There was brief discussion of placement of the location of the stall for the paint.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:21 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson
Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                July 2, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Resident Ed Fournier expressed his appreciation for the speed detector on Stickney Hill Road. He also inquired about yellow lines in the road. Lines are not painted on town roads.

Minutes from the June 18, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Mashapaug Lake concerns regarding ordinance violations
  • Selectman Heck’s meeting with Reni Axelrod from Yale regarding rural water supply

New Business:

  • The deed transferring the church property to the Town will be drawn up.
  • The upcoming town meeting was briefly discussed.

Old Business:

  • CEN Fiber Internet: IP Genie will attend the July 16 meeting to discuss their VOIP service.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: none
  • Paint Recycling at the Transfer Station: training will be held on July 17, with the program commencing on that day or soon after.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:09 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

David D. Eaton
First Selectman

Selectmen’s Meeting                                June 18, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Lucas Perzan, Insation Technologies, to discuss VOIP system for the Town Hall.

Minutes from the June 4, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Notice of Cyber Security Grant available
  • Invitation from a State forester to walk to see designated timber harvest area off of Route 197, State property in Union/Woodstock
  • STEAP Grant final funding agreement
  • Senator Gordon email regarding Eversource issue
  • Lake Association meeting notice for June 26
  • Request for speed sign on Stickney Hill Road
  • Window Genie scheduled to wash all town hall windows
  • State traffic engineering commission response to 171/190 intersection issue

New Business:

  • The proposed Town Meeting warning was reviewed. Following discussion, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to set the town meeting for July 8, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. to vote to approve the Transfer of $70,850.00 from the General Fund into Capital Improvements account, to be used for the Town’s Municipal Match for STEAP award 0145-0108.

Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

  • The Property Fraud Alert coverage provided through COTT Systems was reviewed and a motion made by Selectman Heck to pay for the install and service for Property Fraud Alert from the Special Reserve Fund P.A. 50-228. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Town residents will be notified via bulk mailing of this coverage availability and how to enroll for the coverage.

Old Business:

  • CEN Fiber Internet: IP Genie will attend the July 16 meeting to discuss their VOIP service.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: The Director’s position has been filled, with a start date of July 11, 2024. The outgoing interim director’s contract ends July 1. The option of contracting the interim director as a per diem consultant to cover those 11 days is being addressed.

There is also discussion of the building lease for NDDH offices, and consideration of other property options.

  • Paint Recycling: no update at this time

Other Business:

 A new employee has been hired for the Transfer Station. The certification process is underway for another current employee.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­9:00 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                June 4, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the May 21, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


 Casella Waste letter indicating FY24-25 cost increase for transportation and disposal

  • Letter from Town Clerk appointing Carol Camerota as Assistant Town Clerk.
  • Public Works Maintainer resignation effective June 7, 2024
  • Resident request that local traffic authority reach out to the State to improve signage at the intersection of Routes 171 and 190.
  • A new employee is being hired for the Transfer Station

 New Business:

  • CEN Fiber Internet follow up regarding cost for phone lines only with Cox services and Frontier. The monthly telephone cost would more than double without internet service bundling.

First Selectman Eaton also spoke with Mrs. Rego at CEN regarding VOIP phone service. Research on phone options will continue.

  • Property Fraud Alert coverage through COTT Systems was discussed. This is a service the Town would purchase to protect land owners from fraudulent transfers. Town residents would be given the opportunity to register for this protection through the town at no cost to them. The Board agreed to pursue this option, getting more information and looking at funding options.

Old Business:

 Northeast District Department of Health: The Acting Director will be leaving end of term July 1. NECCOG will hold off meeting with member town leaders and NDDH until the new director is in place.

Representative Update: Due to availability of only one sanitarian, the Health Department has contracted a sanitarian to work 10 hours a week to assist in processing permit forms for sanitarian services to address the backlog issues.

 Paint Recycling: no update at this time

Other Business:

 The Board discussed the STEAP Grant funding. STEAP grant funds in the amount of $400,000 were awarded to the town for paving on Webster Road. The town is required to match $78,050 to initiate the project. The funds can be allocated from the general fund, requiring a town meeting for approval, to be discussed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

  • Review of Memorial Day Ceremonies.
  • Eversource discussion.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:50 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                May 21, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Wendy Rego, Connecticut Education Network

There was presentation and discussion regarding fiber internet connection for the Town Hall.
Installation, which is covered by State funding, and contract pricing and maintenance were discussed.
The Selectmen will review this further at the June 4 meeting.

Minutes from the May 7, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Email from America 250/CT Commission regarding the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence to take place in 2026
  • Bills passed at final Legislative Session for 2023-2024
  • Information regarding paint recycling at the Transfer Station
  • LoCIP projects are completed for 2024
  • Additional funding from Opioid settlement will be coming

New Business:

  • All minutes of the various Board of Education committee meetings are currently being posted on the Town of Union website. The Board of Selectmen will request that beginning in June, 2024, the Board of Education post all of their meeting minutes on the school website. The town website will link to the Union School website for this information.
  • The plans for Memorial Day were reviewed and discussion was held regarding involving community members in in preparing for and assisting at the event.

Old Business:

  • ARPA update: The disbursement of all ARPA funding is now complete. A final invoice for a survey on the land to be transferred from the Congregational Church of Union to the Town of Union was submitted.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: NECCOG (Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments) has scheduled a meeting with the town leaders and interim NDDH Director, Jim Vannoy.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­9:00 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                May 7, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the April 16, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Review of Mashapaug Lake drawdown invoice
  • Email from Eversource regarding 57% increase in delivery charge
  • DOT STEAP Grant notification
  • School use of Opioid funds through qualified programming
  • CIRMA insurance renewal
  • Email on Senate Bill No 3 regarding transitioning to .gov email addresses for municipalities.
  • Grand Opening invitation for newly renovated Academy Building at Woodstock Academy.

New Business:

  • Town Meeting Monday, May 13 at 7:30 PM.

Old Business:

  • ARPA update: One remaining project for the Land Transfer to complete by end of June.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: No change since last meeting.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:05 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                April 16, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the April 2, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Email from Selectman Heck, who has an unavoidable conflict with the May 13 Town Meeting and will be unable to attend.
  • Discussion of question regarding Juneteenth Observance on June 19, 2024, which is a Wednesday and the day of the week that the town hall is fully staffed. The Board will vote whether to close the Town Hall at the May 7 meeting.
  • Discussion of Stickney Hill power outage issues and response to Eversource scorecard. First Selectman Eaton is scheduling a meeting with the Town’s Eversource representative.
  • Discussion of communication with CEN fiber internet representative. She will attend a Selectmen’s meeting to explain the process and answer questions.
  • A meeting is scheduled with Hometown Bank branch in Sturbridge regarding switching accounts due to the Tolland branch of Berkshire Bank closing.

New Business:

  • The final quotes for replacement of the cement pad at the town hall lower level stairwell entrance were reviewed. Premiere Business Enterprises, Inc., to form and pour the pad for $850; GF Cyr Electrical to supply and install heat mats for $1,000; contingency expenses $500, for a total of $2,350. Following discussion, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to repair the walkway to the entrance door back of the town hall building using Special Reserve PA 05-228 Records Preservation grant funds in an amount not to exceed $2,350.00. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • The proposed 2024 LoCIP Projects are:
    • $1,200  Painting pavilion floor;
    • $1,400  Replacement of Library toilet and sink;
    • $2,000  Land survey and deed for property the Congregational Church of Union is donating to the town;
    • Balance for tree removal by Distinctive Tree Removal per State tree removal bid list.

Selectman Heck made a motion to approve the above-listed projects for payment from the 2024 LoCIP grant funds. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

  • The annual Town Meeting is scheduled for May 13 at 7:30 pm.
  • First Selectman Eaton sent the proposed ordinance change to Citations for Zoning Violations to Selectmen Heck and Murdock for review. They were agreed upon and will be placed on Town Meeting agenda for vote to change the current ordinance.

Old Business:

  • ARPA update: Selectman Heck made a motion to spend $2,446.04 on the land transfer and deed from the Congregational Church of Union from ARPA funding. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: The Director’s position has six applicants. Three will be selected to interview. It is expected to have a candidate by 1st of June. The current NDDH property lease was also discussed.
  • 2024-2025 Budget: The proposed budget was set at the Board of Finance meeting on April 9, with the mil rate set at 22.78.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:41 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                                April 2, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the March 19, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  2 votes yes; 1 abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Eversource reliability scorecard discussion
  • Berkshire Bank is closing the Tolland branch. There is a meeting scheduled with Hometown Bank for a possible switch.

New Business:

  • The Board of Finance budget hearing will be held Tuesday, April 9. The proposed mil rate is 22.78.
  • The concrete base at the town hall lower level stairway entrance is crumbling. The Public Works Department would like to remove the pad and pour a new one. First Selectman Eaton has a quote from Premier to form with steel reinforcement and pour for approximately $850. The town Special Reserve Fund can accommodate this expense. First Selectman Eaton will get more pricing for Board approval at the April 16 meeting.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: none
  • ARPA update: The resident notice board at the Transfer Station is installed.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: A special meeting was held today for the NDDH Board’s official vote to install the interim director, Jim Vannoy.
  • 2024-2025 Budget: Hearing April 9 and Town Meeting May 13.

Other Business:

  • Upcoming Events: Town Clean Up on April 20. The coordinators will be at the transfer station on April 13 to hand out garbage bags and gloves.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:05 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                    March 19, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the March 5, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  First Selectman Eaton made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Possibility of town credit card carrier change from Bank of America to Berkshire Bank.

New Business:

  • Transfer Station notice board. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to spend up to $1,000 from ARPA funds for the purchase of an outside notice board to be posted at the Transfer Station. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • CEN Fiber Internet discussion. This item is tabled for now. Discussion may be continued at the next Selectmen’s meeting.
  • As the new employee probationary period has been completed, D. Graves is eligible to become a permanent employee, with insurance benefits. First Selectman Eaton made motion to make D. Graves a permanent employee effective March 19, 2024. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: none
  • ARPA update: The Board of Finance approved the Board of Selectmen’s request for ARPA funds to be applied to the purchase of a town notice board
  • Northeast District Department of Health: A new interim health director has been appointed.
  • 2024-2025 Budget: Discussion with the Board of Finance regarding a projected mil rate decrease to 22.78 on the proposed budget

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:19 pm by First Selectman Eaton; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                    March 5, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

Selectman Heck called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Ed Fournier, discussion regarding the EV charging station at the town hall

Minutes from the February 20, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • First Selectman Eaton will attend a meeting regarding local requirements for ADA Title II
  • Email from the State of CT regarding a 2% increase for health insurance renewal rates for FY 2024-2025
  • 2022-2023 Town Report draft is available for review
  • Our town representative will attend the MidNEROC operating committee meeting on March 21
  • First Selectman Eaton will meet with a representative from Cox to go over various issues
  • A virtual meeting will be held on March 13 for the Exit 72 bridge replacement

New Business:

  • Per request from the chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint Patricia Geissler, effective immediately to end of term July 1, 2027, and Edward Fournier, as an alternate, effective immediately to end of term July 1, 2025, to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • In an effort to more effectively serve our senior population, First Selectman Eaton requested that the Board of Selectmen establish a Town Committee on Aging. Selectman Heck made a motion to approve formation of Town of Union Committee on Aging. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint Sally Anderson, Carol Camerota, Andrea Estell, Patricia Geissler, Karen Johnson, Theresa Walton and Rebecca Wentworth to serve on the Town of Union Committee on Aging. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • Per the Board of Selectmen motion made at the July 3, 2006 meeting, the current policy for town purchases over $5,000 requires that three bids be solicited. First Selectman Eaton requested that the purchase amount be increased to $10,000 to require the three bids. Following discussion, Selectman Murdock made a motion to increase the minimum purchase amount requiring three bids to $10,000. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • CEN Connect project regarding fiber optics connection for the town hall was discussed. There are funds available to connect the town hall into the fiber optics network. First Selectman Eaton will also contact Frontier to compare rates and services.
  • PFAS firefighting foam disposal quotes were presented. Following discussion, Selectman Heck made a motion to approve payment in the amount of $1,675.00 to Tri-S Environmental Services, Inc. in Ellington, Connecticut for disposal of the foam. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous. This amount will be reimbursed through a grant for said disposal from the State of Connecticut.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: no updates
  • ARPA update: The town hall kitchen table has been refinished. The conference room tables are now out to be refinished. The cost for all three tables will not exceed $1,200. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to allocate up to $1,200 from ARPA funds for the refinishing project. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: Selectman Murdock attended an NDDH special meeting regarding a Memorandum of Agreement for the acting director that the State Board of Health is providing. The RFP for companies seeking to conduct the NDDH review closed on February 29.  The NDDH Board will review the proposals submitted.
  • 2024-2025 Budget: The Board continued discussion on reducing the proposed budget.

Other Business:

  • The Local Capital Improvement grant allocations are posted. There was discussion for possible projects, including tree removal, replacing the library toilet and painting the town pavilion floor

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:46 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     February 20, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

Selectman Heck called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the February 6, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Email regarding the Pilot grant reduction
  • Eversource webinar regarding rolling blackouts
  • A virtual meeting is scheduled for March 13 to discuss the exit 72 bridge replacement
  • The draft of the town audit has been received
  • A request to add two members to Zoning Board of Appeals will be submitted at the March 5 meeting

New Business:

  • The Northeast District Department of Health Memorandum of Understanding was discussed.

Steve Faucher of NDDH met with First Selectman Eaton. They reviewed the memorandum of understanding, requesting town assistance with distribution of medicines and vaccines to Union residents in an emergency situation. Selectman Murdock made a motion that the memorandum be signed and submitted on behalf of the Town of Union. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

  • The Board discussed the PFAS chemical foam used by fire departments, which requires specialized disposal.

This expense will be voted on at the March 5 meeting to authorize payment from town to dispose of it. The town will be reimbursed by the State for this expense.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: no updates
  • ARPA update: The town hall kitchen table will be refinished.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: First Selectman Eaton has been notified that an acting director has been appointed. An RFP has been posted for an outside consulting firm to perform an evaluation of the Health Department.
  • 2024-2025 budget: There was discussion of adjustments to the proposed Selectmen’s budget in an effort to get the mil rate as low as possible to avoid an increase.

Other Business:

There is a House Bill, HB 5173, proposed to revise the requirement that town legal notices be posted in newspapers, to allow posting on town websites.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:19 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     February 6, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

Selectman Heck called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock; Resident Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the January 16, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • The application for a rural improvement grant for work on Stickney Hill Road was declined.
  • First Selectman Eaton participated in a State STEAP grant zoom meeting. There are new requirements for all bidders for work on STEAP projects to conform to Connecticut Human Rights and Opportunities mandates.

New Business:

  • The Midneroc contract was discussed. First Selectman Eaton attended the Midneroc meeting. Single Stream recycling fees are increasing by approximately 400%. Our long term contract goes to FY 2025 with Casella Waste Management. Our Single Stream contract fees are currently $34.77/ton. Options to lower recycling costs, such as separating cardboard and aluminum, were discussed.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: The NAS server for email backup is being installed this week. A Cyber Security grant program questionnaire was reviewed.
  • ARPA update: First Selectman Eaton has arranged for work on town hall meeting tables to be refinished.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: First Selectman Eaton has a meeting with Mr. Faucher at NDDH. There was also a meeting with the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments and NDDH. A senior sanitarian is now acting director. The State of Connecticut will be assisting in the RFP for a new director.
  • The Selectmen’s proposed 2024-2025 Budget was submitted to Board of Finance.

Other Business:

The Arc Eastern Connecticut has requested permission to place a deposit box for returnable bottles and cans. This is a nonprofit serving people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD).  100% of the funds collected goes directly to programs that support people with IDD in eastern Connecticut.

The Board approved putting a Connecticut Donation Station at the Transfer Station.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:22 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     January 16, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

Selectman Heck called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the January 2, 2024 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  2 votes yes; one abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • NECCOG proposed assessments for the 2024-2025 budget were received
  • Correspondence from Union School Superintendent regarding Union Board of Education 2024-2025 proposed budget
  • First Selectman Eaton has a meeting with State Rep. Kurt Vail and Senator Gordon on January 17 regarding Frontier and Cox storm response and other issues with these services
  • Union School Principal Steven Jackopsic email regarding distribution of pill disposal pouches (Deterra pouches) at the Transfer Station on February 10, 9am-12noon.
  • Zoom meeting on March 13 at 6:30pm for the Town regarding the project of replacing the exit 72 bridge
  • Cleaning company Jan Pro notice regarding their annual 5% increase
  • The Congregational Church of Union gave notice that they will be turning over a strip of property with the right of way on Buckley Highway to the Town

New Business:

  • The Public Works budget for 2024-2025 was reviewed. It has been forwarded to the Board of Finance.
  • PA 22-139 An Act concerning adoption of the recommendations of the task force to study cancer relief benefits for firefighters.

The town must make an annual contribution to State relief fund. There was also discussion regarding the Town’s requirements to comply with the recommendations.

Old Business:

  • Town Offices IT: There was discussion of installing an NAS server for town offices email back up. Selectman Heck made a motion to have the NAS email server installed per Insation Technologies proposal, in the amount of $781.00. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.
  • ARPA update: There is $4,299 remaining. First Selectman Eaton will get prices for refinishing the tables in conference room.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: The RFP for the Health Department evaluation is still in process, along with the search for a new Director. The proposed 9.30 per capita amount for the 2024-2025 budget was discussed. The Health Department will increase some fees as well, to offset per capita cost to participating towns.  The Town will receive a letter with the estimated increase from the Health Department.
  • There was final review of the Selectmen’s proposed 2024-2025 Budget. There is an increase of $16,412, 2.5%, in the budget proposal, including increases in insurance, waste removal, and legal fees.

Selectman Murdock made a motion to submit the proposed 2024-2025 budget to the Board of Finance. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:25 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     January 2, 2024                        Union, Connecticut

Selectman Heck called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David Heck, John Murdock

Resident – Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the December 18, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Murdock made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Tax Collectors Report
  • Correction to Vendor Report: Murtha Cullina spelling to be corrected
  • PA 22-139 An Act concerning adoption of the recommendations of the task force to study cancer relief benefits for firefighters. This item will be put on the agenda for the January 16 meeting for discussion.

New Business:

  • The Public Works budget review was tabled for next meeting.
  • There was discussion of the recommendations for Town email back up. Selectman Heck requested more information be obtained from Insation Technologies, to be discussed and voted on at the January 16 meeting.

Old Business:

  • ARPA update: The invoice for the security cameras was received and approved for payment.
  • Northeast District Department of Health: No new updates
  • Selectmen’s Proposed 2024-2025 Budget: This will be finalized at the January 16 meeting.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­7:52 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     December 18, 2023                      Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Resident – Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   Cameron James, Regional Planner at the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments, to discuss NECCOG’s 2024 Regional All Hazard Mitigation Plan

NECCOG is in the process of updating the Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan.  The Plan requires participating Town Boards of Selectmen to read and approve the proposed plan. There was discussion of the primary hazard mitigation issues Union is facing, in particular, flooding, hazard trees planted too close to roads and power outages.

The State Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) is also being completed. Mr. James is updating the Town’s information for the EOP.

Minutes from the December 4, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Copy of a letter from the law firm of Halloran & Sage to the Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Northeast District Department of Health Memorandum of Understanding to clarify relationship with NDDH, particularly directing that the Town of Union will assist with any application of emergency assistance that NDDH will be providing to the Town
  • The Last Green Valley requested consideration of $500 contribution from the 2024-2025 Selectmen’s Budget
  • The 2024 Norcross grant in the amount of $2,500 has been received. The 2023 Grant was overspent by $481.00, and the $481.00 will be replaced from this amount. The Board has designated $500.00 from the 2024 funds to be contributed to TLGV in 2024-2025.
  • First Selectman Eaton has contacted our State Representatives regarding the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) Mashapaug Lake drawdown, as the annual cost has increased dramatically. The Board of Selectmen, along with Mashapaug Lake Association members, met with Park and Recreation Supervisor Marcella Hube on December 11, 2023. Due to liability, the annual lake drawdown must be done by the State Park and Recreation Department, which is currently requiring weekly inspections.
  • NECCOG letter regarding engineering services for the Planning & Zoning Commission regulations update. The Board discussed the hourly rate charge versus the per capita annual charge. The Board proposed that Planning & Zoning pay for the hourly charge for January-June 2023, and consider the annual fee for FY 2024-2025.

New Business:

  • The Board discussed the current resources and programming available for seniors in town, and ideas for increasing available activities and resources. The Selectmen’s Proposed 2024-2025 budget indicates an increase in the expense account line item for senior programming. The Board also discussed appointing a Committee on Aging.

Old Business:

  • ARPA update: No updates
  • Northeast District Department of Health: Selectman Murdock attended a NDDH Finance Committee meeting on December 14, 2023. The proposed fee increases were discussed. The Finance Committee will continue discussion and adjustment. The Health Department is encouraging participating towns to contact their legislators regarding the State’s contribution to Health Department budgets, which has not been increased, even though the State’s mandates have increased.
  • Selectmen’s Proposed 2024-2025 Budget: Review of updates. The Selectman’s office will complete the budget for submission to the Board of Finance once the 2024-2025 per capita fees from agencies that provide services have been received.

Other Business:

  • Discussion of the December 18 storm, Eversource response, and storm impact on residential and town properties.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:58 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     December 4, 2023                      Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Resident – Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the November 20, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  •  Article regarding ‘Nickels for Nips’ was discussed, particularly regarding any possibility of town collecting funds from the program.
  • First Selectman Eaton has corresponded with Marcella Hube, Park and Recreation Supervisor for Bigelow Hollow State Park, regarding the Mashapaug Lake drawdown. A meeting is scheduled for December 11 to review service provided for the lake drawdown and inspection.
  • A virtual meeting will be held with the CT Department of Transportation regarding the repairs to the bridge on Route 89 over I-84.

New Business:

  •  The Selectmen reviewed and discussed the 2024-2025 proposed budget.
  • The special permit issued for 154 Cemetery Road was discussed, along with resident concerns. The Board unanimously approved sending a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission requesting follow up on failure of the permit holder to comply with permit restrictions.

 Old Business:

  •  ARPA update: There was discussion regarding the use of ARPA funding to put up signs at the Transfer Station new recycling building. Premier Business Enterprises submitted a quote for four signs for $1,000. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to apply ARPA funds up to $1,000 to pay for the signs. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  •  Northeast District Department of Health: Selectman Murdock will sit on the Finance Board for NDDH.  They will be installing a temporary director of NDDH. They will also look at the input from the survey requested from participating towns.
  • The last STEAP payment for the new transfer station recycling building was received. STEAP and ARPA Grants covered approximately 88% of the total cost of the project.
  • The town employee party date was changed to Friday, December 15.

Other Business:

  • There was discussion regarding the Community Conversation held at Union School November 30. There was a positive response. The Board is encouraging residents to attend Board of Education and Board of Finance meetings to voice any concerns. Ed Fournier, a member of the Board of Education, expressed a positive response from the Board as well regarding the forum and resident concerns.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­9:02 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     November 20, 2023                      Union, Connecticut

 First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Resident Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the November 6, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:             None

New Business:

 The discussion of possible withdrawal from the Northeast District Department of Health was tabled for a future meeting.

  • The Town employee Christmas gathering will be held on Tuesday, December 12 in the Community Room.
  • A Community Conversation will be held at the Union School on Thursday, November 30, regarding possible high school options.

 Old Business:

 ARPA: No new updates.

 Health Department Update: the Health Director survey was completed by the Board.

  • The Veterans Day Ceremony held on November 10 went very well.

Other Business:

  • None

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:35 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

David D. Eaton

Selectmen’s Meeting                     November 6, 2023                      Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Resident – Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the October 16, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Murdock made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.


 Annual Report for the Northeast District Department of Health was received. Selectman Murdock reported on the NDDH board meeting held on Thursday, November 2, 2023.

  • Report from Union School regarding the High School options which will be presented on November 30, at the Community Conversations meeting. The Board discussed the high school options and potential financial implications.

New Business:

 The 2024 Selectmen’s meeting schedule was reviewed and approved for submission to the Town Clerk. All meetings will be held on the first and third Tuesdays in 2024.

  • The Union Volunteer Fire Department and Town-sponsored Visit with Santa will be held at Union School on Saturday, December 9, 1-3 PM.

 Old Business:

 ARPA: No new updates.

 First Selectman Eaton gave an update regarding the Northeastern town Selectmen’s possible decision to withdraw from the Northeast District Department of Health and form a new health department. There was further discussion on NDDH issues and the vote of no confidence.

  • The Veterans Day Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, November 10, at 10:00 am. Union School will be participating.

Other Business:

  • Discussion of issues at the Transfer Station regarding control of the drop off flow and management of vehicles.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:25 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     October 16, 2023                      Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the October 2, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  2 votes yes; 1 abstention

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


 Letter from the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection notifying that the Mashapaug Lake drawdown request is approved to begin early November.

  • Kinsley Power Systems correspondence regarding work on town office building generator
  • First Point Power letter regarding electric supply contract expiration
  • Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments email regarding the Northeast District Department of Health
  • Teachers 2024-2028 contracts available for review at the Town Hall

New Business:

  • Insation Technologies submitted a quote for security cameras for the Town Hall. Following discussion, Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the quote in the amount of $4,639.92 to be paid to Insation Technologies for equipment and installation, payable from the Town ARPA funding. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

First Selectman Eaton will submit this approved request to the Board of Finance.

 The 2022-2023 Annual Report of the Board of Selectmen was reviewed and approved.

  • The First Point Power electricity supply contract is due to expire. Following discussion, Selectman Heck made a motion to enter into a contract with First Point at a rate of $0.12290 for 36 months, as recommended by our energy broker. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • Following discussion, Selectman Murdock made a motion to hold Selectmen meetings on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, effective January, 2024. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

 Old Business:

 The Union Free Public Library has submitted a request for ARPA funding for a new website to the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance. Selectman Murdock made a motion to approve the request for $1,500.00, to be paid from the ARPA funds for development of a new library website. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

 First Selectman Eaton and Selectman Murdock met with the NCDHD Director and an NCDHD board member to discuss the Town of Union joining the North Central District Health Department. The NCDHD Board will consider the request at their next meeting.

  • Veterans Day Ceremony is scheduled for Friday, November 10, at 10:00 am. Union School will be participating.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:10 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted, Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     October 2, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the September 18, 2023 meeting were read. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Letter from the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection was received notifying that the UVFD receiving Volunteer Firefighters Assistance grant in the amount of $24,097
  • New Vendor Report
  • Email from the Union Free Public Library Director requesting ARPA funding to have a new website designed. The quote for the new website is $1,500. The Board discussed the request and will put it on the agenda at the October 16 meeting to vote in approval. The Library Board will submit a request to the Board of Finance.
  • The Superintendent of Union School has requested use of the Town Senior Bus for a student who needs temporary handicap transportation to school. The Selectman’s Office will check with our insurance company.
  • Notification was received that a 2024 STEAP Grant has been awarded to Town of Union for reclamation of Webster Road in the amount of $400,000.

New Business:

  • Insation Tech is scheduled to reset the town offices Wifi password and install guest Wifi. A request for a quote from Insation Tech for town hall building camera surveillance will be submitted.
  • Veteran’s Day observance is Friday, November 10, 2023, at the Town Green.
  • Quotes for the reconstruction of transfer station drive project were discussed.

Public Works received three quotes to reconstruct and pave:

Allstates Asphalt at $88,253.20

Willis Construction at $69,775

Pinecroft Paving and Landscaping at $66,990

First Selectman Eaton made a motion to hire Pinecroft Paving and Landscaping to do the paving on the STEAP project at the transfer station. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

The work take place the week of October 16. The transfer station will be closed on Wednesday October 18, 2023.

Old Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton and Selectman Murdock will be meeting with the North Central District Department of Health on October 10 regarding possible membership.

Other Business:

  • The Final 22-23 FY report was reviewed.
  • First Selectman Eaton attended the Board of Education meeting on September 27. Information on High School options will be discussed at the upcoming Community Conversation, to be held at Union School.
  • The EV charging station is not functional to date. Two new charging units will be sent out and installed at no cost. First Selectman will update on that progress, and inform Eversource of this status.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:22 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     September 18, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   None

Minutes from the September 5, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Murdock made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Thank You letter from United Services for budgeted support
  • State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) email regarding delay in processing of municipal revenue sharing grant
  • North Central District Department of Health email to set up meeting with First Selectman Eaton; Selectman Murdock will also attend
  • OPM email regarding zoning regulation compliance
  • Resident request for speed sign in front of property
  • Assessor email regarding resident vehicles registered out of State

New Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton made a motion to approve $15,000 payable to the Union School from the ARPA funds for playground equipment. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • First Selectman Eaton proposed submitting a request to the Board of Finance to approve an amount not to exceed $20,000, payable from the ARPA funds, to complete the transfer station project.

Old Business:

  • Selectman Heck made a motion to hire Douglas Graves to the public works full time position. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Other Business:

  • Report by John Murdock on the NDDH Board meeting held on September 14, 2023.
  • Discussion of returnable cans and bottles collection at the Transfer Station.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:10 pm by Selectman Murdock; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     September 5, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   Ed Fournier expressed his appreciation to the Public Works Department for the drainage

work done at the Union School.

Minutes from the August 21, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Thank You card from the UVFD for the donation in memory of Barry Swift
  • Thank you card from Access Agency for the annual budgeted donation
  • Letter of support for the Congregational Church of Union application for a grant to replace church windows
  • Email regarding STEAP grant
  • Letter from Connecticut Office of Policy and Management regarding scheduled 2023 Grand List
  • Letter from the Connecticut Department of Public Health approving renewal of HeartSafe Community designation
  • Eversource notification of aerial patrol of power lines with helicopter
  • CCM town demographics report discussion

New Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint John Murdock as the Town of Union representative to the Northeast District Department of Health. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • Selectman Heck made a motion to appoint John Murdock as the Town of Union representative to the Mid-NorthEast Recycling Operating Committee (MidNEROC). Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.
  • Discussion was held regarding direct deposit for town payroll, and process going forward.

Old Business:

  • The Board reviewed a request from Union School for playground equipment for preschool students in amount of $15,857, to be paid from the town American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. The Board will vote on this request at the September 18 meeting.

Other Business:

  • The Public Works Department will be hiring Douglas Graves for the full time maintainer position, effective September 14, 2023.
  • Striping on the town hall parking lot is complete. First Selectman Eaton will get a quote for library parking lot striping, to be paid with funds remaining in the Norcross Grant.
  • Teacher contract negotiations have been completed. The contracts are submitted to the Town Clerk’s office, for public viewing.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:21 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     August 21, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the August 7, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Invitation from Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut to their annual celebration
  • CT DOT will be performing various tree trimming and removal on Routes 171 and 197
  • Letter to the Selectmen Board regarding garden on the Town Green
  • Thank you letter from Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut for budgeted donation
  • Request from resident to install speed sign on Stickney Hill
  • NECCOG animal control and GIS annual contracts for 2023-2024
  • Tax Collector Report

New Business:

  • Per request of the Union Free Public Library Board of Directors Chairman, Ellen Silbermann, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint both Danielle Kneeland, effective immediately until end of term, July 1, 2025, and Karen Calabrese, effective immediately until the May 2025 election, to the UFPL Board of Directors; motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • Discussion of resident concerns regarding speeding on Route 190 in the area of the Town Green.
  • The Building Inspector submitted a plan for striping for Town Hall parking lot to conform to EV charging station requirements. First Selectman Eaton has obtained a quote for $1,087.00 to have all stripe painting redone on front and back lots. A motion was made by Selectman Heck to pay for this expense and appropriate signage from the Norcross Grant fund. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • The STEAP Grant final paperwork was submitted on August 18, 2023. Senator Gordon and Representative Vail will follow up with the State on this grant for the Town to construct the recycling center at the Transfer Station.

Old Business:

  • EV charging station update: First Selectman Eaton spoke with the EV station contractor regarding placement of a station at the school. Per language of the contract, the Town cannot place an EV charging station at any location other than stipulated in the initial application, thus eliminating a grant-funded station being installed at the Union School.

Other Business:

  • The Board expressed its appreciation to the Old Home Day Committee for all their work in putting together this important town event. Brief discussion was held regarding citizen merit citation and procedure going forward.
  • The Democratic Town Committee will post the open position for Democrat Registrar on the town website.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:30 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     August 7, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the July 17, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes with the following amendments: Add “Discussion followed” after Correspondence post of letter from Cailin Rae, Library Director, regarding mild flooding in the Children’s Library; and, correction in meeting date to August 7 to vote on the 2023 STEAP resolution.

Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Republican Registrar Erick Ponkala requested that the registrar salary be paid the hours bi-weekly through the year, rather than submit hours for payment. Discussion followed, with the decision to refer this to the Board of Finance for final approval.
  • The 2023 LoCIP grant reimbursement for tree cutting was received.
  • Notice of Opioid settlement funds to be awarded to the Town.
  • Email regarding the First Selectman’s request for a meeting with the North Central District Department of Health (NCDDH). The meeting is yet to be scheduled.
  • The Selectman’s Office is working to get the Town’s HeartSafe certification renewed. Expiration notice was received.

New Business:

  • Following final review, Selectman Heck made a motion to approve the Board of Selectmen Town Appointments, as attached, effective August 15, 2023 – August 15, 2025. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.
  • Following discussion Selectman Heck made a motion to approve the following 2023 Municipal STEAP Resolution.

RESOLVED, that First Selectman David D. Eaton be, and hereby is, authorized to accept on behalf of the Town of Union, a 2023 Connecticut STEAP Grant in the amount of $400,000.00 for Webster Road reconstruction; and

FURTHER RESOLVED, that First Selectman David D. Eaton is hereby authorized to enter into and execute any and all agreements, contracts and documents necessary to obtain said 2023 STEAP Grant with the State of Connecticut.

Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

  • There is a job opening in the Public Works Department. The position has been posted on the Town website and State Public Works Listserv email.
  • The ARPA Projects list was reviewed and discussed, including the Willington Fire Department ambulance payment request. The First Selectman is preparing a structured payment plan regarding this request.
  • Selectman Heck made a motion to donate $250.00 to the Union Volunteer Fire Department in memory of Nathan Swift, who passed away on July 21, 2023, in grateful recognition of his generous service over 60 years to the Town of Union. Said donation will be paid from the Norcross Grant funds. The motion was seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Selectmen’s Meeting

Union, Connecticut

August 7, 2023

Page 2


  • The Board discussed setting a policy for memorial donations. There will be further work on this policy for future donations.

Old Business:

  • EV charging station update: Discussion of State grant for a second EV charging station at Union School. First Selectman Eaton met with EV station contractor at the school. The station would be provided through a grant, with no cost to the Town or the School.
  • First Selectman Eaton and Selectman Heck met with Senator Gordon. The topics discussed included school ECS funding, the increase in Mashapaug Lake drawdown fees, the closing of the DOT garage in summer months and the pending STEAP grant for road work. First Selectman Eaton will request a meeting with Senator Gordon to follow up on the status of the progress in addressing these concerns.

Other Business:

  • There is extensive cutting back of trees taking place on State Routes 190 and 171 in town.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:29 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     July 17, 2023                        Union, Connecticut


First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the July 3, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Murdock made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Letter from Cailin Rae, Library Director, regarding mild flooding in Children’s Library on the

lower level

Tax Collector letter stating renewal of appointment of Assistant Tax Collector Timothy Vennart

DOT email re-signing secondary State roads: Routes 171 & 190

New Business:

  • 2023 STEAP Resolution discussion for full depth reclamation and paving on Webster Road, to be voted on at August 2 meeting.

Old Business:

  • Review of Town Appointments for August 7 meeting.
  • EV charging station update: Discussion of State grant for 2nd EV charging station.
  • First Selectman Eaton is meeting with Senator Gordon and Rep. Vail on July 26. Topics of discussion include:
    • Closing of DOT garage in summer
    • Mashapaug Lake drawdown 100% cost increase
    • Communication improvement with Frontier/Cox for emergency response
    • ECS Funding

Other Business:

  • As of May 23, 2023, there is $46,862.69 left in ARPA funding. Possible allocations include:
    • QDS $8,450
    • Union School preschool playscape $15,000
    • Transfer Station recycling building project
  • Review of Budget vs. Actual report for June, 2023
  • Update from First Selectman Eaton that he has been a non-voting participant at the Teachers’ Union Contract negotiations, which are going well.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:15 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                     July 3, 2023                        Union, Connecticut


First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the June 20, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Murdock.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Memo from Tax Collector regarding taxes collected to date

Email from MidNeroc with proposal to collect returnable cans and bottles at the transfer station

DEEP Lake Drawdown invoice

Notice from DEEP that the Town was awarded a grant for an EV Charging Station

New Business:

  • Town Appointments made in 2021 were reviewed and discussed for new appointments to be made in August, 2023. The Board will vote on the new appointments at the first meeting in August.
  • The Town Tax Abatement Committee revised their regulations to comply with the ordinance change that passed at the May 8, 2023 Town Meeting, increasing the tax abatement cap to $1,500 for volunteer firefighters. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to adopt the new tax abatement regulations as presented by the committee. Selectman Heck seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • EV charging station update: The station is up and running. The Town will receive notice of monthly deposits made to the town account.

Other Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton requested a meeting with State Senator Jeff Gordon and State Rep. Kurt Vail, regarding various issues, including the Mashapaug Lake drawdown fee increase. The Board will be notified when a confirmation for the meeting is received.
  • The tree removal on Cemetery Road is completed, with satisfactory results, opening up the road.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:15 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Murdock. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                June 20, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda; John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the June 5, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   NECCOG animal control email regarding dogs picked up in Union

Senator Gordon’s office regarding ECS decrease to Union

The invoice from VISION for the Assessor was reviewed. It was approved to pay from the

IT expense account.

The Auditors are scheduled for July

Tax Collector report and tax bill for the Kinney Hollow Road parcel

Information for a Logo Mat for the town hall front entry was presented. Following discussion,

Selectman Heck made a motion to purchase the customized logo mat from Logo Mat

Central; motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

New Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton presented a revised Town of Union Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. Following review and discussion, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to adopt the revised CIP as presented, effective immediately. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • The fiscal year 2022-2023 is closing out as of June 30, 2023. In review of the budget, line item 3110-213, fuel expenses, was impacted by fuel increases and came in over budget. Overall, the year-end review was positive.

Old Business:

  • EV charging station update: The station is up and running. The charge will be 51 cents/kilowatt hour. There cannot be discounts implemented at this time. It is programmed in Selectman’s office computer. Payment is made through Stripe payment processing.

Other Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton attended the last Board of Education meeting. Negotiation for teachers are coming up. First Selectman Eaton and Board of Finance Chairman, Christopher Santucci, can take part in negotiation committee, as non-voting participants.
  • A request will be made to Quality Data for invoicing, delegating funds from ARPA.
  • The Board expressed a BIG Thank you to Mary Huda for serving as Selectman for the past six years, with appreciation for a job well done. Effective July 1, 2023, John Murdock will be serving as Selectman.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:15 pm by First Selectman Eaton; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                June 5, 2023                        Union, Connecticut


First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda; John Murdock

Persons to be Heard:   none

Minutes from the May 15, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. 2 votes yes; 1 abstention. Motion passed.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   NECCOG animal control reports were received for April and May

FEMA email regarding flood insurance rate map for Union

Email from Governor Lamont regarding budget agreement

CCM email regarding proposed municipal program and grant funding in State budget

Email from Eversource regarding community impact grant for 501(c)(3) organizations. Friends of Union Fire Department were awarded a $2,000 grant

Email from Patty Geissler regarding scholarship information

NECCOG updating zoning inventory and GIS system

Email from Assessor regarding Reval surveys commencing in Town. This information will be posted on the website and sent out in an email.

New Business:

  • Per request of the Old Home Day Committee, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint Janice Parsons, Sam Essery and Robyn Wass to the Old Home Day Committee, effective immediately. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • A contract was submitted from CMRK for 3 years to continue the textile bin at the Transfer Station, paying $2000 per year. Selectman Huda made a motion to approve contract renewal. Seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • EV charging station update: The meeting to set up the electronic payment system has not been scheduled to date.

Other Business:

  • The tree cutting on Cemetery Road will be done June 19 and 20. Distinctive Tree Company will be clearing old/dead large pine trees. There will be partial road closure these dates.
  • There was discussion of tech support prepaid hours with Insation Technologies. The Board approved 20 hours to be prepaid in June, 2023.
  • The floors are being stripped and waxed on the lower level June 16-19. The quote for $900 for the Community Room, kitchen, hallway and bathrooms will be paid from the maintenance & repair account.
  • The ARPA project for cloud backup for Quality Data Systems for the Assessor’s office was discussed. Other ARPA projects were also reviewed and discussed.
  • Memorial Day was a success! The weather was beautiful and it was nice to have more family participation. We will request Veteran support earlier in 2024.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:30 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                May 15, 2023                        Union, Connecticut


First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck; John Murdock

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the May 1, 2023 meeting were read. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Letter to Town Clerk for resignation from Board of Education, Zoning Board of Appeals from

Jessica Garden, effective May 8, 2023

The Town received the Deed for property at Vol. 44, Page 112 in Union Land Records

DOT is seeking information regarding any history of flooding at Bridge 070393. First Selectman Eaton will follow up on this.

First Selectman Eaton met with the town insurance company regarding cyber security insurance. Following discussion, the Board determined that security with the current IT company and the system cloud coverage are sufficient at this time.

Email from CMRK regarding textile bin at the Transfer Station.  CMRK will pay $2000 as annual rental fee for use of location. This item will be voted on at the June 5 meeting.

Email from Eversource regarding pending PURA approval for 9.8% increase in electricity delivery cost.

National Guard support will be here for Memorial Day.

Email from Senator Gordon’s office regarding Memorial Day plans.

New Business:

  • Memorial Day upcoming on May 29, 9:30 over east Cemetery and 10am Town Green and North and Center Cemeteries.
  • The Board discussed the finalization of the tax sale on the Barrows Road and Kinney Hollow Road properties.
  • The Old Home Day Committee met and will be submitting appointments for new members at the next Selectmen’s Meeting.

Old Business:


  • The Annual Town Meeting went well with 39 eligible voters. The proposed budget and question regarding the increase in abatement for the Volunteer Fire Department members passed.
  • EV charging station update: There will be another meeting including the representative from company that will be setting up the electronic payment system. The account to deposit payments has been set up with Stripe payment processing.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:10 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                May 1, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  Scott Crevier, requesting use of the Community Room for a parent-sponsored dance for Union School students, grades 5-8 on Saturday June 3, 2023. The Board of Selectmen approved this event, waiving the rental fee.

Minutes from the April 17, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Nicolas Supina DOT letter notifying of tree removal on Routes 190/171 to Mass. border

Email from M. Heft of CT Office of Policy and Management

Email regarding meeting at 1 pm on Wed., May 3, with Senator Murphy’s rep., Erin McBride

Governor’s Budget increased funding for various state grants

New Business:

  • Memorial Day upcoming on May 29, 9:30 over east Cemetery and 10am Town Green and Center Cemeteries
  • On May 11, 5-7 p.m., the Tolland County Chamber of Commerce will hold a meet and greet at Bush Meadow Farms here in Union.
  • Following discussion of the vacancy of an alternate representative to the Northeast District Department Board of Health, Selectman Heck made a motion to appoint First Selectman David D. Eaton as an alternate representative for the Town of Union to the Northeast District Board of Health, effective immediately, until reappointments are made in August of 2023. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • The Annual Town Meeting is Monday, May 8 at 7:30 pm to vote on Proposed Budget for 2023-2024.
  • EV charging station update: First Selectman Eaton had a meeting to set it up electronic payment of charging station use. The meeting has been re-scheduled for further assistance with electronic set up. The Town will need to set up an account to process for electronic payments. The current going rate is 26 cents per kilowatt. Town residents will receive a reduced rate to be determined.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:24 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                April 17, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda; Resident Ed Fournier

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the April 3, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Motion passed with 2 votes yes; 1 abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Health Department packet for 2021-2022 statistics

Email follow up to town attorney regarding Animal Control Officer reports

Invitation from Woodstock Academy for Caroll Spinney event

Pre-Construction meeting for milling Route 171

New Business:

  • Selectman Heck made a motion to enact the following blanket resolution for the DESPP Grant program:

RESOLVED, that the Town of Union may enter into with and deliver to the State of Connecticut Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, Division of Emergency Management and Homeland Security any and all documents which it deems to be necessary or appropriate; and


FURTHER RESOLVED, that David D. Eaton, as First Selectman of the Town of Union, is authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all documents on behalf of the Town of Union and to do and perform all acts and things which he deems to be necessary or appropriate to carry out the terms of such documents, including, but not limited to, executing and delivering all agreements and documents contemplated by such documents.

Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

  • Discussion on legal notice publication to possibly change from the Hartford Courant to the Journal Inquirer. It was decided continue to publish with the Hartford Courant per Board of Selectmen resolution on September 22, 1987. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to table the Resolution 23-1 presented to the Board of Selectmen. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • The Town Meeting Legal Notice was reviewed and approved for publication for the Annual Town Meeting to be held on May 8, 2023.

Old Business:


  • Firemen’s Tax Abatement: Town Committee met and approved proposed changes, to be included in Town Meeting Question 1, ordinance change.  The legal notice will be sent to attorney Alexander for review.
  • EV charging station update: The charging station has been installed. The rate amounts to be charged have yet to be determined. The Board of Selectmen will discuss the charge rate at the next meeting. First Selectman Eaton will inquire regarding appropriate rates.
  • The 2023-2024 Board of Finance Proposed 2023-2024 Budget was discussed.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:35 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,   Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                April 3, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard:  Ed Fournier

Minutes from the March 20, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   CIRMA insurance company: liability has no increase for FY 2023-2024, Workmen’s Comp coverage  going down by 5%.  First Selectman Eaton will sign the insurance contract for three years.

Tax Collector report

Frontier meeting on Wednesday, April 5:  regarding poles that are damaged

New Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint Christopher Santucci to the Firemen Tax Abatement Committee; motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

As of April 3, 2023, the committee members are Maureen Eaton, John Murdoch, Barry Kapplan, Chris Williams and Christopher Santucci.

A meeting is called for April 10, 2023, to review the proposed changes to current regulations, consisting only of fee changes. This will require a change to Section 2 of the Town Ordinance, to be voted on at the Town Meeting on May 8, 2023.

  • Health Department update: The fee schedules for Northeast District Department of Health and North Central District Department of Health have been researched. In addition, the NCDDH has a Stafford office. If the Town chooses to pursue joining NCDDH, a written request must be submitted to the Board of Directors of NCDDH. Following discussion, the Board of Selectmen agreed to pursue said request with NCDDH.

Old Business:

  • Animal Control update: none
  • EV charging station update: It is scheduled to be installed on Monday, April 10, 2023, in the lower parking lot behind the Town Hall.
  • 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget: review of BOF draft of proposed budget

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:25 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting                March 20, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the March 6, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Thank you letter from United Services for Opioid Settlement Fund contribution

Norcross announcement of Earth Day events

Access Agency services provided information

Tax Collector Tolland Windham County Meeting being held at Town Hall April 5

New Business:

  • Following discussion, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to appoint Bruce Taylor, of 558 Buckley Highway, Union, to represent the Town of Union on the Stafford Family Services Advisory Board. The motion was seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • Motion on Firemen Tax Abatement Committee is postponed to the April 3 meeting.
  • Stafford Heritage Half and 5K Marathon requested Road Use in Union for a portion of the road race. First Selectmen Eaton will respond to the request that the Town can provide no services for road races.

Old Business:

  • Animal Control update: The town attorney sent a letter to the former ACO. A portion of the requested reports were submitted.
  • EV charging station update: None
  • 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget: None

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:35 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting               March 6, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the February 21, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Thank you letter from Stafford Family Services for Opioid Settlement Fund contribution

Email regarding Connecticut Revenue Services Neighborhood Assistance Act

Various House Bills proposed regarding municipal taxes and grant programs

New Business:

  • The Local Capital Improvement Program (LoCIP) Grant entitlement for 2023 was received. The Town is receiving $14,190. First Selectman Eaton proposed that the town contract for tree work on Cemetery Road. The cost would be $16.777.50. There is funding in the road maintenance budget to cover the difference.

Following discussion, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to approve the proposed tree work project, in the amount of $14,190, contracting with Distinctive Tree Care LLC in South Windsor, Connecticut. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Two votes yes, one abstention. Motion passed.

  • The new Public Works employee has successfully completed the probationary period. He will now be eligible for town benefits for public works employees.

Old Business:

  • Animal Control update: The Town Attorney is working on correspondence with the former Animal Control Officer in an effort to obtain the 2022 Animal Control reports.

NECCOG Animal control service has sent in the first monthly report.

  • EV charging station update: First Selectman Eaton spoke with Efficient Lighting Consultants, Inc. The materials should be available in April.
  • 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget: The Board is able to reduce the proposed 2023-2024 budget again with the health insurance rate reduction for the next fiscal year.
  • Historic Town Green accident update. The town insurance agent is following up with insurance company of the vehicle owner involved in the accident.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:15 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting               February 21, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the February 6, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Email from a town resident regarding property on Bradway Road

Email with proposed house bills and Governor’s proposed budget numbers and impact on Union

House Bill proposed to do away with automobile tax and have rental properties to be surcharged

NDDH email notifying of former Director of Health Patricia Beckenhaupt’s passing

New Business:

  • The Board discussed establishing a cash drawer available to make change for permit fees paid in cash. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to approve a cash drawer in the Selectman’s office in the amount of $100.00 to be withdrawn from Selectman’s expense account 110-200. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:


  • Legal Notice publication update: The Connecticut Conference of Municipalities responded to the Town’s inquiry regarding Legal Notice publication requirements. At this time, municipalities are required to post legal notices in the newspaper.
  • Animal Control update: the first incident requiring animal control services with NECCOG was successful. The on-call officer responded immediately.
  • First Selectman Eaton suggested contacting the town attorney regarding possible action to obtain animal control reports for 2022. The Selectmen unanimously agreed to this action.
  • Northeastern District Department of Health update: The Town has received the actual proposed increase for 2023-2024 from NDDH. The Board requested continued research into services and fees of other Health Districts available to the town.
  • EV charging station update: Efficient Lighting Consultants, Inc. is waiting on supplies to begin installation.
  • 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget: As fuel prices have continued to drop, First Selectman Eaton proposed reducing the fuel line item on the Selectmen’s Proposed 2023-2024 Budget. The Board approved the reduction.
  • The January 2023 Budget vs Actual expense account balances and audit for 2021-2022 were reviewed.

Motion to adjourn at ­­­­8:20 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting               February 6, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:41 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the January 17, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Email for another Opioid Settlement Fund. The Selectmen approved moving forward to opt in to                                                                 receive funds.

Letter from Benjamin Daggett expressing interest in purchasing lot bordering his property, 3.5 acres.                                                    The Assessor will get the requested information. The property must go out to bid.

Department of Agriculture email regarding the Animal Control Officer. They will follow up with the                                                                 ACO directly regarding required reporting.

Letter and claim number from the insurance agent for the accident on the Town                                                                                         Green on January 14, 2023.

The Grand List information from the Assessor gives an approximate increase of 2.5%.

Discussion of offer from Frontier for Fiber Optics installation. The Town will hold off making any                                                                 changes at this time.

New Business:

  • Per Planning and Zoning Commission request, Selectman Huda made a motion to appoint Stan Calabrese as an alternate to the Planning and Zoning Commission effective immediately, until June 30, 2023. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.


  • The Northeast District Department of Health Executive Director met with the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments executive committee. Following discussion, the Board of Selectmen were unanimous in the consensus to pursue the process for requesting to join a different Health Department that can serve the Town of Union. The Selectman’s office will get information regarding fees and cost with other Health Departments.
  • The question was raised regarding the requirement for posting Town legal notices. First Selectman Eaton will check with the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities regarding said State requirement.

Old Business:

  • The Board reviewed and discussed the Opioid Settlement Funds and agencies that serve Union residents with Opioid issues. Selectman Heck made a motion to divide the settlement funds equally between Stafford Family Services and United Services, Inc. Seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.
  • EV charging station update: Efficient Lighting Consultants, Inc. is waiting on supplies to begin installation.
  • Discussion on possible distribution center development on Rte. 89 in Ashford, bordering Union. There is no proposal to any development on Union property.

Motion to adjourn at 9:03 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting               January 17, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the January 3, 2023 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Last Green Valley thank you letter

Northeast District Department of Health letter with per capita increase for 2023-2024

Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut request for funding 2023-2024 budget

Freedom Of Information request for Animal Control

New Business:

  • First Selectman Eaton gave a report on his meeting with Senator Jeff Gordon, including topics of concern regarding the ECS Special Education reimbursement and the State’s PILOT program.
  • The Town’s Animal Control Program is now being managed by the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments and the town dog pound is closed. This new information will be posted on the town website.
  • First Selectman Eaton presented an email regarding potential development at Ashford Motel Road. In January, the Ashford Zoning Board proposed changes to add the definition of a distribution center, increasing the currently allowable building restrictions. Part of Ashford Motel Road is in Union. The First Selectman has a meeting with the attorneys on Wednesday, January 18.

Old Business:


  • The Opioid Settlement funds were discussed and a letter of information from the Stafford Family Services was presented. The First Selectman will draft a letter for specific request usage to each agency that provides services to Union residents: United Services and Stafford Family Services.

Stafford Family Services has requested a town representative to serve on the Advisory Board. A town resident has served on this Board as resident trooper for Stafford. First Selectman Eaton will request he continue as the Town of Union’s representative.

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: None
  • Board of Selectmen’s 2023-2024 Proposed Budget was finalized and will be forwarded to the Board of Finance.

Motion to adjourn at 9:08 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               January 3, 2023                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the December 19, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Access Agency request for funding in 2023-2024 Budget

Tax Collector’s Report

State Police Report

Union School Superintendent regarding Covid Vaccine Clinics in January

New Business:

  •  The Town of Union entered into a 10-month contract with First Point Power at $0.15369 per kilowatt hour, to reduce the electricity supply charges.
  • Animal Control Officer, Belinda Vennart, submitted a letter of resignation effective January 1, 2023. Northeast Connecticut Council of Governments (NECCOG) has submitted a contract to the Town of Union for animal control services. The contract is effective until the end of this fiscal year.

Selectman Heck made a motion to enter into a contract with NECCOG for Animal Control Services, effective January 1, 2023 through July 1, 2023. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

  • The Opioid Settlement funds were discussed. We are currently aware of two agency services offered to Union residents: United Services and Stafford Family Services. Information will be presented at the next Selectmen’s meeting to determine how best to disburse the funds.
  • The Board continued review and revision to the 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: None
  • EV Charging Station UPDATE: The Town is waiting on Eversource to get material and complete the installation. The Board of Finance approved $5000 in ARPA funds for the Charging Station.
  • Vision 8 and QDS Conversion update: The full conversion is now completed.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm by First Selectman Eaton; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               December 19, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the December 5, 2022 meeting were read. First Selectman Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Motion passed with 2 votes yes and 1 abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Casella Waste letter regarding increase in fees in 2023

The Last Green Valley request for funds in 2022-2023 budget

United Services request for funds in 2022-2023 budget

CCM email regarding freedom of information auditors

The Annual Report for the Board of Selectman

New Business:

  • Selectman Heck made a motion to send $500.00 to The Last Green Valley, payable from the Norcross grant. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.
  • Artis Energy provided the following alternate companies for power supply: Direct Energy and First Point Power.

The Board made the decision to contract with First Point Power for electric supply to the Public Works garage, transfer station, library and historical society building.

  • The Board reviewed and discussed the 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: None
  • EV Charging Station UPDATE: The Public Works Department dug and installed conduit and tube for the charging station. First Selectman Eaton will notify Eversource that the site is ready for installation. Eversource will install the charger and set up the payment system at a future date. The Town’s portion of the cost will be paid out of ARPA funds.
  • Vision 8 and QDS Conversion update: Vision conversion is now complete and live. Insation Technologies is coordinating the QDS conversion to the cloud application.

Motion to adjourn at 9:25 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               December 5, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the November 22, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   Tax Collector Report

State Police Report

Thank you from Access Agency

New Business:

  • Alternate electricity supplier companies discussion. Artis Energy reached out regarding the pending Eversource rate height increase. The First Selectman will continue to research options for electricity supply.
  • The 2023-2024 Selectmen’s Budget review process commenced.
  • Holiday events: town office Christmas party at 6pm in Community Room; Visit with Santa on December 17, including Christmas music, tree lighting, cocoa & snacks, face painting, & games. The Santa event will be posted, along with a town email notification.
  • The First Selectman has made inquiry to the Connecticut Conference of Municipalities as to whether donation of the town’s Opioid Settlement funds to substance abuse organizations would be within parameters of grant usage. The Selectman’s Office will research substance abuse organizations that serve the Town of Union.

Old Business:


  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: A request was received from the Union Volunteer Fire Department for 55,000 to replace a rescue truck. Selectman Heck and First Selectman Eaton approved forwarding the request to the Board of Finance to approve the $55,000 from ARPA for the rescue truck.
  • EV Charging Station UPDATE: The First Selectman has a meeting on Tuesday, December 6, regarding EV Charger installation and payment process. The Town will be doing the site work. The grant has been approved by Eversource. This project would require $4,260.77 from ARPA. The Board has approved moving forward with the process, paying for equipment and 50% of installation. They will request ARPA funds to pay the other 50% of installation.
  • The Vision 8 software update, data conversion and install of cloud based application on the desktop in the Assessor’s office was completed on Monday November 28.  Insation Technologies will coordinate the QDS conversion to the Cloud application.
  • STEAP Recyclables building update: the Town is planning to start this project in the Spring of 2023.

Motion to adjourn at 8:38 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               November 21, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the November 7, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   The Town has received a total of $1,482.73 from the National Opioid Settlement trust. First                                                   Selectman Eaton will inquire as to the parameters for allocation of these funds.

The annual donation from Norcross wildlife foundation was received in the amount of $2,500.

United Services thank you letter for the 2022-2023 donation.

New Business:

  • Following brief discussion, Selectman Heck made a motion to hire Joseph Woronecki, Jr. for the full time Public Works position effective December 5, 2022; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.
  • First Selectman Eaton made a recommendation to increase the current full time Public Works employee hourly wage by 15 percent. Selectman Heck made a motion to increase the current full time wage by 15 percent. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.
  • Town employee Christmas gathering will be held in the Community Room on Thursday, Dec. 15, 2022, 6pm.
  • The Union Volunteer Fire Department will host a Christmas event at the Union School on December 17, 1-4pm, to include hot chocolate, the fire pit, music and a visit with Santa.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: none at this time
  • No EV update at this time.
  • Vision QDS migration is in process.
  • STEAP Recyclables building update: the Town is planning to start this project in the spring.
  • The Town Treasurer will be providing payroll and bill paying services for the Union School beginning January 1, 2023.

Motion to adjourn at 8:16 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               November 7, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:44 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the October 17, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   State Police Monthly Report

Thank you letter from Special Olympics

Thank you letter from The Last Green Valley

New Business:

  • Transfer Station Recyclables Building Proposals received:

Premier Business Enterprises, Buckley Highway, Union: Material & Labor $104,500

Cavar Industries, 38 Mashapaug Road, Union: Construction of concrete foundation floor and building $99,500

Following discussion of the proposals, First Selectman Eaton made a motion to move forward with the Cavar Industries proposal pending approval by the Department of Environmental Protection.  Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

  • Tax Sale follow up: Two of the three properties sold.

Stickney Hill Road property for $30,000

58 Barrows sold for $62,000

Kinney Hollow Rd, no bids. The property ownership will transfer to the Town

  • Veterans Day Ceremony this Friday, November 11 on the Town Green.
  • EV Stations: 3 proposals received for Level 2 EV Stations

Artisan Energy: $28,881, the town would pay $8,882

Titan Energy: 3 different proposals from 29,000 to 15,000, town total would be $5,414, $5,639 and $5,284

Efficient Lighting Consultants:  $17,619.60,   town would pay $4,260.77

Eversource does all site work and covers 50% of charger.

First Selectman Eaton will clarify with Neccog that this covered under ARPA.

The Board discussed pricing plans and station availability and placement.

Selectman Heck made a motion to approve Efficient Lighting Consultants (ELC) contingent on Eversource grants and ARPA funds availability. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

  • The Board approved the meeting schedule for 2023 to be submitted to the Town Clerk.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

New firewall installed for the Assessor server.

Vision Cloud hosting should be completed by November 20, 2022. Starting conversion this Friday.

  • There is no current update on Cox fiber internet.

Discussion on emails. Regionalizing Grant and Sexual Harassment standards.

Motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               October 17, 2022                        Union, Connecticut 

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda, Maureen Eaton, Tax Collector

Persons to be Heard:  Tax Collector: discussion regarding the Tax Sale to be held November 3, 2022

Minutes from the October 3, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.

Correspondence:   NONE

New Business:

  • The November 3 tax sale was discussed with the Tax Collector, Maureen Eaton.
  • The Department Head meeting held on October 10 went well.
  • Discussion was held regarding Electric Vehicle charging stations. The Town has received two proposals, and is waiting on one more.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

Vision Cloud hosting should be completed by November 20, 2022. We are still waiting on Quality Data Service for completion information.

  • There is no current update on Cox fiber internet.
  • The timeline for Transfer Station Recyclables Building bids has been extended to November 7, 2022.

Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by First Selectman Eaton; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

David Eaton

For Karen Johnson

Selectmen’s Meeting               October 3, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  none

Minutes from the September 19, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Thank you letter from Sexual Assault Crisis Center of Eastern Connecticut, Inc.
  • Letter from Insation Tech regarding 100 upload speed
  • Heft DEEP Non-Compliance Letter

New Business:

  • Veteran’s Day ceremony will be held on Friday, November 11, 2022 at 10am on the town green. There will be participation from the Union School. First Selectman Eaton will reach out to Representative Pat Boyd.
  • Following review and discussion, Selectman Huda made motion to approve a resolution authorizing execution and delivery of financing for the dump truck. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous. (See Resolution attached.)
  • The Town will be posting a job opening for a new full time employee for Public Works. First Selectman Eaton will post the opening on the town website and Public Works ListServe.
  • An appointment is scheduled with Frontier Fiber Internet for the next Selectmen’s Meeting, October 17.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: The ARPA County transche #2 payment was received September 29, 2022, in the amount of $81,482.95.

Tractor quotes were reviewed. The update on the quote from Big Boy Toys clarifies that the $21,950 purchase price includes loading rear tires and extended warranty to 10 years Powertrain.

The quote of $19561.13 from New Holland did not include loading of tires or the 10-yr warranty.

The LS quote from Foskett of Stafford came in higher.

Following review and discussion, Selectman Heck made motion to purchase the Masse Ferguson tractor from Big Boy Toys due to price, including the loaded tires and extended warranty to 10 years. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

  • The Cox quote for their fiber internet is $480 a month, plus $120 to install. It was decided that the town will stay with current cox plan that is cable internet. The move toward migration with Vision and QDS is continuing.
  • The Department Head meeting will be held on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Motion to adjourn at 8:34 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             September 19, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

 First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  none

Minutes from the September 6, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  •  None

New Business:

  • The Town Hall fiber internet and the QDS Vision server migration was discussed. The town technical support firm is reaching out to confirm the need for 100 mps upload. Frontier fiber internet should be available in October.
  • First Selectman Eaton discussed the town’s purchase of a new dump truck. The proposed yearly payment on the dump truck will be $41,016.90. The first payment is due at signing. There will be 4 more annual payments after the $45,000 down payment. Funding is provided through Powerflow municipal leasing.
  • The town STEAP project at the transfer station was discussed. The Department of Environmental Protection has no other requirements other than town protocol. The RFP will be posted on the website and distributed out to known businesses. The Town is not required to post in the newspaper.
  • An advertisement for part time snow plow drivers for winter has been posted on the website.
  • Public Works employee Clint Roberts will be retiring on November 30. The position will be posted on the website.

Old Business:

  •  American Rescue Plan Act Update:

The Town Clerk request for $10,000 funds for digitizing records.

Selectman Huda made a motion to allocate up to $10,000 for the digitizing historical land records. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Tractor quotes were reviewed. First Selectman Eaton is waiting on one more quote.

Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             September 6, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

  First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  Town resident, Sterling MacPherson regarding proposed sandpit on Cemetery Rd.

Minutes from the August 15, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  •  Tax Collector reports; Troop C monthly report

New Business:

  •  2021-2022 Year End Budget close out review and discussion.
  • First Selectman Eaton will schedule a meeting with School principal, BoE Chair, First Selectman and Treasurer regarding payroll and financial at school.
  • The Old Home Day event was a success and has received positive feedback.
  • The Department Head meeting has now been scheduled for October 10, 2022.
  • Selectman Heck made a motion to prepay for twenty more tech support hours from Insation Technology. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

Two more invoices have been submitted:

Vision Government Solutions $4,000

Joe Pop Electric $578.34

There is $60,974.71 currently remaining, with additional funds due.

Current projects on the list include a tractor for maintenance of grounds in cemeteries and a boiler for the Town Hall.

Motion to adjourn at 8:40 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             August 15, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the August 1, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Letter from Tax Collector regarding the tax sale. Four property tax sales are proceeding. The sale will be held on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2022 at 1:30 pm, in the Town Community Room.

New Business:

  • The Affordable Housing Plan was presented with minor changes. Following review and discussion, Selectman Huda made a motion to adopt the Affordable Housing Plan as presented, which is based on the projections of the 2010 Census, as compiled by NECCOG. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.
  • Old Home Day is scheduled for this Saturday, August 20.
  • The Board discussed the Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing to be held on August 17 regarding the proposed sand pit.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

An additional $42,668.31 was received on August 11, 2022.

Balance as of this date is 72,976.05. Some of these funds are allocated.

The well has been drilled at the grove, at the back of the pavilion. The water has been tested    and is potable. There is a hydrant for water accessibility.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00 pm by First Selectman Eaton; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             August 1, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

 First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  Jim Larkin from NECCOG presenting a draft Affordable Housing Plan for the Town of Union

Minutes from the July 18, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


 Municipal Fiscal Indicator email from OPM

New Business:

  • Invoice from NECCOG for affordable housing plan was reviewed. The payment will be split between NECCOG and Planning & Zoning, for FY 2021-2022.
  • The Assessor gave an update on the Server and Quality Data System migration, which is in process.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

Dalmik will be starting on well drilling this week up at the Town Grove.

Motion to adjourn at 8:55 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             July 18, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the July 5, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  •  Dalmik Well Drilling response

New Business:

  •  None

Old Business:

  • New town website should go live on Tuesday, July 19.
  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

No current expenditure

Motion to adjourn at 8:00 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             July 5, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

 First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the June 20, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • New Vendor history report for 2021-2022

New Business:

  • Upcoming Town events: Old Home Day, August 20, 2022

Flu Clinic, September 15, 2022

Town Shred, September 24, 2022

  • Rural Speed Enforcement Grant and Public Acts affecting taxes were discussed.
  • A new mileage reimbursement increase for Town employees is effective July 1, 2022.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

No current expenditure

Well drilling at the Town Grove was discussed. There is no date for project commencement at this time.

Motion to adjourn at 8:00 pm by Selectman Huda; seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             June 20, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard: 

Minutes from the June 6, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Letter from Eversource
  • Letter from Tax Collector

New Business:

  • The Cemetery Committee submitted an amendment to their Plot Sale policies as follows:

I.4. Residents and/or former residents (excluding their heirs) of the Town of Union may purchase lots.

Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the amendment as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck. Vote was unanimous.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update:

Selectman Heck made a motion to enter into contract with Vision and Quality Data Systems for cloud hosted software, not the exceed a cost of $20,000. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

  • The Town office building upper level floors were stripped and waxed over the weekend.

Motion to adjourn at 8:20 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

For David Eaton

Selectmen’s Meeting             June 6, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  Tax Collector, Maureen Eaton

Lucas Perzan of Insation Technologies with the technology support proposal

Following discussion of the presentation and proposal from Insation Technologies, Selectman Heck made a motion to proceed with Insation Tech services as proposed, based on clarification of prepaid hours expiration date, and to accept the proposal with number of computers updated. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Minutes from the May 16, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • CCM response to inquiry of selling town-owned land. Such sale requires a public hearing, after which the Selectmen can determine how said sale will proceed.

New Business:

  • Discussion of Cemetery Committee meeting regarding selling of plots. The Committee found that current Cemetery bylaws do not require residency or owning of property in town to purchase a plot. The Committee recommends passing a requirement that any persons purchasing a plot must be a current or former Town of Union resident, or a current or former land owner, effective July 1, 2022. The Committee will present language for said requirement at the June 20, 2022 Selectmen’s meeting.
  • The State of CT Department of Health requested a COVID vaccine clinic for June 15, 2-6 pm.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: Balance of $101,656 remaining. Another deposit of $124,151.26 is anticipated this month for a total of $248,302.52 in funds. Selectmen approved projects are:

$4,000 website development

$65,000 chip sealing of roads

$20,000  Cloud-based version of hosting and back up for Vision and Quality Data Services, with a bandwith upgrade to 100 mbps.

Following review of the above expenses, Selectman Heck made a motion to approve presenting these projects for ARPA expenditures to the Board of Finance. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Selectman Heck made a motion to increase the Cox internet bandwith to 100 mbps. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

  • A town Department Head meeting will be held on Monday, September 12, 2022.

Motion to adjourn at 9:20 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             May 16, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the May 2, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  2 in favor; 1 abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Thank you note from the Forziati family to the Town for supporting ‘Baked for Ukraine.’
  • CMRK Textile recycling bins memo. Textile bins are being installed at the Transfer Station and Union School. There will not be a container placed on Town Hall property.
  • Inquiry from a resident regarding purchase of town-owned property on Bradway Road. The procedure for selling the property will be researched.

New Business:

  • Discussion of Flagg property on Buckley Highway and the tax sale later in 2022.
  • Preparations for Memorial Day Ceremonies are under way.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: Stafford Mechanical Services, Inc. submitted a quote to supply and install a dehumidifier in the Library. The Board of Finance approved the expenditure at their May 9 meeting.

Selectman Heck made a motion to have Stafford Mechanical install the dehumidifier per their quote in the amount of $3,210.00, from the American Rescue Plan Act funding. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

  • Novus Insight IT Services: The Assessor discussed going to Cloud hosting for Vision.
  • Review of Your Page Today website quote.
  • Selectman Heck will be submitting his resignation as the Health Department alternate representative.

Motion to adjourn at 8:50 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             May 2, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the April 18, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  First Selectman Eaton made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.


  • FEMA letter regarding project approval for chip sealing Stickney Hill Road.
  • An estimate from Joe Pop Electric to replace the lights at Transfer Station for $499.57. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the estimate in the amount of $499.57 and approve Joe Pop Electric to change the Transfer Station lights to LED. Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

New Business:

  • Textile recycling bin at the Transfer Station, provided by CMRK. This item will be tabled to the May 16 meeting, after discussion with CMRK.
  • Discover Books bin at the Transfer Station.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: The well-drilling company, Dalmik, will call for an appointment. The First Selectman will present a cost list to the Board of Finance for their May 9 meeting (following the Town meeting).
  • Novus Insight IT Services: Working on scheduling projects. First Selectman Eaton will contact follow up with them this week.
  • 2022-2023 Budget: Town meeting May 9 at 7:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn at 8:05 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             April 18, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  None

Minutes from the April 4, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Huda made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by Selectman Heck.  Vote was unanimous.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


  • Grant available through Eversource for EV charger systems. EVSE LLC does the manufacturing and installing. It can be set up to pay at the charging station. This information will be kept for future reference.
  • Emails regarding proposed House Bills and legislation were discussed.

New Business:

  • Tax Sale of property at Kinney Hollow Road and Buckley Highway – The Tax Collector is planning a tax sale late fall. The Board will follow up at that time.
  • First Selectman Eaton presented a quote from Jan Pro cleaning company to strip and wax the Town Hall floors with 2 coats sealer, 2 coats floor finish for 7100 sq ft at $.45 /sq. ft.  The cost is $3491. For $.05 per sq ft they will move the furniture. The work would start on the lower level and, if satisfactory, schedule waxing of the first floor.  Selectman Heck made a motion to hire Jan Pro to strip and wax the floors, including cost of moving furniture. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.
  • An email will be sent to the Board of Finance to notify them that the Town Hall heating line item will over budget for 2021-2022 due to sharp increase of heating fuel.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: The well-drilling company, Dalmik, will call for an appointment. The First Selectman will present a cost list to the Board of Finance for their May 9 meeting (following the Town meeting).
  • Novus Insight IT Services: working on scheduling projects
  • 2022-2023 Budget: Town meeting May 9 at 7:30 pm.

Motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Selectmen’s Meeting             April 4, 2022                        Union, Connecticut

First Selectman Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Attending:  Selectmen – David D. Eaton, David Heck, Mary Huda

Persons to be Heard:  Erin, Branson and Avonlea Forziati presented a request for permission to hold a fundraiser for Ukraine at the Transfer Station, in the front lot, on Saturday, April 30. The Selectmen approved the fundraiser.

Minutes from the March 21, 2022 meeting were read. Selectman Heck made a motion to accept the minutes as presented; seconded by First Selectman Eaton.  2 votes yes; 1 abstention.

Bills were presented for review.  Selectman Heck made the motion to pay the bills as presented. Motion seconded by Selectman Huda.  Vote was unanimous.


The Treasurer provided the up-to-date new vendor list.

Letter from Dalmik Well Drilling with a contract. The Board approved the contract. First Selectman Eaton will sign and return the contract.

Selectman Heck provided information on blue tooth speaker mic for zoom meetings. The Board approved the purchase.

Selectman Huda made a motion to purchase the speaker mic as researched and presented at a cost of $80 from Amazon, to be paid from Town American Rescue Plan Act funds, in order to allow all attendees at zoom meetings to be heard.  Motion seconded by First Selectman Eaton. Vote was unanimous. First Selectman Eaton will put a request in at the Board of Finance meeting on April 5.

 New Business:

  • The Department Head meeting will be postponed to September, unless any issue needs to be addressed before then.

Old Business:

  • American Rescue Plan Act Update: Well drilling at the Grove and zoom call microphone expenses will be submitted this month. There was discussion of new website design in order to make the site more interactive, allowing more Town business to be conducted online.
  • Novus Insight IT Services: working on project scheduling
  • 2022-2023 Budget: April 12 Hearing for discussion of budget. Town meeting May 9.

Motion to adjourn at 8:35 pm by Selectman Heck; seconded by Selectman Huda. Vote was unanimous.

Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Johnson, Recording Secretary

Annual Town Meeting Minutes


May 8, 2023


               A Budget and Town meeting of the electors and citizens qualified to vote in town meetings of the Town of Union, Connecticut was held at the Union Town Hall, 1043 Buckley Hwy in Union, Connecticut on Monday, May 8, 2023 at 7:30 PM.

               First Selectman David D. Eaton called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 

               Christopher Santucci was chosen as moderator of the meeting and Heidi Bradrick acted as clerk.

               Heidi read the minutes of the May 9, 2022 town meeting.  Cheryl D’Amico made a motion to approve as read, seconded by John Murdock.  Vote by acclamation was unanimous, minutes approved.

               Chris read the legal notice.  Said notice was published on the website of the Town of Union and in the Hartford Courant and is recorded in these records immediately preceding these minutes.

               Item #1:  Shall the Town of Union Vote to change Section 2 of the TAX RELIEF FOR VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS to read as follows.

               Section 2

               Establishment of Tax Relief Program

Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §12-81w the Tow of Union hereby authorizes an annual abatement of the real or personal property taxes of a resident volunteer firefighter.  No such abatement shall exceed a reduction in the property taxes of an eligible volunteer firefighter of more than one thousand five hundred dollars.


Leanne Lake made a motion to approve Item 1, seconded by John Murdock.


Paper ballot vote was taken. 

Yes vote = 38.  No vote = 0.    Item #1 passed.

               Item #2:   Shall the Town of Union vote to approve the Budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 and ending June 30, 2024 for the sum of 3,593,055.00.

Sean Anderson made a motion to approve budget as presented, seconded by Ed Fournier.

Paper ballot vote was taken.

               Yes = 38    No = 1.  The budget passed.

Jim Kavanagh made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Ed Fournier.  Vote by acclamation unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted

Heidi Bradrick

Town Clerk

Board of Selectmen Upcoming Meetings Calendar

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