Board of Education Meeting Minutes

Union Board of Education
Special Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting Minutes
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 5:30 pm
Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by A. Blank.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Perkins, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, J. McCusker, J. Anthony,
P. Geissler, L. Gasperini, L. Trinque, S. Essery, J. Swanson, R. Forziati, E. Forziati, M. Leone,
A. Fischetti, R. Fischetti, J. Bousquet, M. Blank, E. Fournier, S. Flannery, J. Parsons

Committee reviewed letter submitted to Woodstock Academy and discussed future shadowing experiences
for our current 7th graders at the possible high school options. Copies of police reports for each
of the schools was shared. Discussion of students who visited various high schools to share what
they felt about their shadow experience was also discussed. Committee members and those attending
completed a metrics form and submitted to the committee.

Next meeting is projected to be in early June.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.
Respectfully submitted, Andrea Estell
BOE Chairperson

Union Board of Education
Special Meeting Minutes
Union, CT 06076
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 3:15 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 3:17 pm by A. Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, A. Agosto,
P. Zulick-Bessette, V. LaMonica, J. Curving, L. Barlow, K. Deptula, A. Gordon, J. Crawford
Discussion of technology, possible restructuring, wellness and future needs was held.

Meeting adjourned at 4:25pm.
Respectfully submitted, Andrea Estell
BOE Chairperson

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:38 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S.
Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
Others Attending: none.

Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from March 13, 2024. Seconded by A. Blank.
Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: none.
Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent and Principal’s Report- The long-term sub position for middle school ELA/Social
Studies has been posted for some time. Mrs. Couillard is extending her leave for the remainder of
the school year. Mr. Sarkany was in touch with us to express his appreciation for the kind response
from the students from his visit and talk. The Hidden in Plain Sight presentation funded by SERAC
was recently held. State Trooper White presented the dangers of vaping to the middle school
students. He will return to talk to them about Social Media. A few more Coffee Conversations will
be held before the end of the school year. Curriculum and professional development will continue
for the new reading program. We are working on grant reimbursements and draw downs. The budget
continues to be on target with some savings in health insurance, Vo-Ag and Special Education. The
new drives in the boiler room are working great. SBAC testing begins next week. The Spring Music
and Art Showcase is May 15. The 8th grade is projected to take a field trip to New York City on May
29. Field Day is tentatively planned for May 31. Graduation is June 13. We haven’t received any new
information regarding Stafford meals. A schedule is in development for the next school year.
Committee Reports

a. Curriculum- none.
b. Communication- Ad Hoc Committee will be meeting again soon.

c. Transportation- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic will be meeting with EASTCONN to discuss transportation.

d. Personnel- covered in item C new business..
e. Building- The Safety Committee recently met and reviewed the plan.

f. EASTCCONN- none.

Financial Report
a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.

b. 2022-23 Board of Ed Spending Plan- no new information at this time.
Old Business
a. Ad Hoc Committee- Met recently and gathered feedback. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic distributed the
Possible Metrics High School Review Rubric Draft for the Board to review.
New Business
a. Woodstock Academy tuition agreement proposal/discussion- A counter proposal was presented to the
Board and reviewed. The proposal requested additions and revisions to the current agreement. It
will be submitted with a response expected by May 31, 2024.
A. Blank moved that the counter proposal be sent to The Woodstock Academy as presented.
E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
b. Possible grade level restructuring- The Advisory Group discussed the proposed program and
structure: PreK 3 and 4 year olds, K/1, 2/3, 4/5 and 6-8. It was noted that this configuration
aligns well with the new reading program.
c. Letters of resignation- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic read resignation letters from Jayzel Crawford and
Alison Gordon.

Individuals to be heard- none.
Motion by to adjourn at 8:25 pm. by A. Blank. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education

Special Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting Minutes

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm by A. Blank.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Perkins, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, J. McCusker, J. Anthony, P. Geissler, L. Gasperini, L. Trinque, S. Essery, J. Swanson, S. Crevier, B. Bousquet, M. Crevier, M. Blank, E. Fournier, S. Flannery, A. Anthony

Committee discussed recent tours/presentations and reviewed draft metrics.  Committee provided input for adding/editing/removing various metrics. Committee discussed a possible parent and student survey.  Committee discussed providing an agreement proposal to Woodstock Academy with a 2% cap on tuition, a lower regular education tuition rate, along with an hourly rate for special education services.   Committee also discussed gathering additional information regarding safety, shadowing possibilities, graduation rates, etc.

Next meeting is projected to be at 5:30pm on May 8, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Estell
BOE Chairperson

Union Board of Education

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Union School Library


Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:38 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann

Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Others Attending: none.

Approval of Minutes

E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from February 21, 2024.

Seconded by A. Blank. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none

Communications- none

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary


a.  Superintendent’s/Principal’s Report- Mr. Sarkany, a Holocaust survivor, will visit the school on March 14 to speak with the 7th and 8th grade classes about his experiences. The Hidden in Plain Sight presentation has been moved to April 1. The Woodstock Academy is coming in to do the final wrap up for course enrollment with the current 8th grade class. High school tours/presentations have been shared and posted. Curriculum and professional learning continues for the new reading program. New educator evaluation plans have been released by the state. The ELA/Social Studies position has been posted while the current teacher continues maternity leave. Use of ARP ESSER funds expires on September 30, 2024. The Winter Music Concert was very successful. Report cards recently went home and parent/teacher conferences were held. We are still working on the meals plan with Stafford Public Schools.

Committee Reports


a.  Curriculum- Discussed the Increasing Educator Diversity plan, the new reading program, Kindergarten age requirements and grade structure.

b.  Communication- There has been a recent Ad Hoc meeting.

c.  Transportation- Due to bus driver shortages, there is an approximate credit of ~$3,700.00.

d.  Personnel- Looking to schedule a meet and greet session with the teachers.

e.  Building- One of the circulator pumps in the boiler room will be replaced soon.

f.  EASTCONN- They are still discussing long term goals to create one campus.



Financial Report


a.  Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.

b.  2023-24 Board of Ed Spending Plan- We are still on target for this year with possible savings in some areas.

Old Business


a.  2024-2025 BOE Spending Plan- There is a 2% increase in health insurance for the 24-25 school year, and EASTCONN professional services are increasing by 3%. A. Blank made a motion to reduce the 24-25 spending plan by $5,120.00 based on these two finalized rates. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

b.  Policy Review (3rd reading)- Tabled until the next meeting.

c.  Ad Hoc Committee- Met earlier today and discussed the different draft agreements from the three potential high schools. Supt./Prin. Jackopsic presented the cost comparisons for each school.

d.  Kindergarten Starting Age and Structure- Will discuss with the parents for any students affected by the new starting age.

New Business


a.  2024-25 Calendar- The new calendar was presented to the Board for review. J. Kavanagh made a motion to adopt the 2024-25 school calendar as presented. A. Blank seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

b.  New CDC Guidelines-Isolation Period for Covid-19- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic recommended that we follow the current, updated guidelines from the CDC, which eliminates the 5-day isolation period. Individuals may return after being fever free for 24 hours and wear a mask for 5 days upon return.

c.  Increasing Educator Diversity Program- After the Board reviewed the plan provided by Supt./Prin. Jackopsic, M. Silbermann made a motion to adopt the Increasing Educator Diversity Plan. A. Blank seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

Individuals to be heard– none.


Motion by to adjourn at 8:06 pm. by A. Blank. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:06 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education

Special Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 5:30 pm

Union School Library


Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 5:37 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, J. McCusker, J. Anthony, P. Geissler, L. Gasperini, J. Bousquet, L. Trinque, S. Essery, J. Swanson

Committee reviewed draft high school agreements provided by Tolland, Woodstock Academy and E.O. Smith. In the draft agreements for regular education tuition, there is a range from $14,000.00 to almost $18,000.00 per student, with varying ranges of increases over each year.  Projected tuition costs for next school year for each of the schools include: Woodstock Academy ($17,702.00), Tolland H.S. ($14,000.00) and E.O. Smith (24-25 is not yet known, but 23-24 is $14,361.00).  Special education costs were also discussed and have a range in costs, with both hourly and annual rates provided.

Upcoming visits to the high school were discussed, as well as conducting a parent and student survey after the visits, looking at different metrics, as well compiling a list of questions for the presentations/tours.

Next meeting is projected to be at 5:30pm on April 10, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Andrea Estell
BOE Chairperson

March 5, 2024
Curriculum Subcommittee Minutes

Attending: E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, S. Jackopsic,
Meeting Summary:
Meeting was called to order at 10:31am. Meeting focused on discussion around the new reading
program and its various components, the state-required Increasing Educator Diversity Plan, as well
as the new kindergarten age requirements. Next steps were considered and there will be further
discussion at the next BOE meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 11:28am.

Union Board of Education Special Ad Hoc Subcommittee Meeting
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 5:30 pm
Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Perkins, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic,
J. Mccusker, J. Mccusker, A. Anthony, J. Anthony, P. Geissler, L. Gasperini, S. Essery, J. Swanson,
M. Blank
Committee discussed possible high school options and next steps. Visits will be set up for
E.O. Smith, Woodstock Academy and Tolland High School. Draft agreements for each of the high
schools will be shared at future meetings. A possible survey asking parents and students about what
they value in a high school was discussed, as well as, shadowing, projected tuitions and draft
metrics. There will also be some additional information gathering about the schools.

Next meeting is projected to be at 5:30pm on March 13, 2024.

Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.

Respectfully submitted, Andrea Estell
BOE Chairperson

Union Board of Education Special Meeting
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:39 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S.
Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
others Attending: A. Anthony, s. Flannery

Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from January 10 and 24, 2024. Seconded by A.
Blank. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications- none.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary
a. Superintendent and Principal’s Report-The Stafford meals director is still working on the
possibilities of meals. We are anticipating the return of two teachers on maternity leave. Mrs.
Hull will soon be leaving to work on her science practicum and will return in mid-May to resume
teaching art. The new reading program for K-3, which was funded by a $15,000.00 grant, has arrived.
This also includes professional development for teachers. The Tolland Superintendent has reached
out about the possibility of having Tolland HS as a high school option in the future. We have had
three weather-related closings. Our tentative last day of school is now June 13. The Increasing
Educator Diversity Plan is due soon. After school clubs will pause briefly in March. Trooper White
will be back in April to meet with our middle school students. We have had another Learning
Leadership assembly (focus on wellness, leadership, team-building). The Winter Concert is scheduled
for next Thursday, Feb. 29. Report cards go home March 5. Conferences are also held that week. The
“Hidden in Plain Sight” program (drug and alcohol awareness) is scheduled for March 21. Teachers
will have professional development time for the new reading program on March 22. The 8th grade
class has raised ~$2,500.00 so far with more fundraisers planned.

Committee Reports
a. Curriculum-none

b. Communication- Ad Hoc Committee just met.

c. Transportation- none

d. Personnel- Will be meeting soon.

e. Building- A drive for a circulator pump has recently been replaced. The other one will need to
be replaced soon as well. Our plowing/snow removal company has been doing a great job with snow

f. EASTCONN- Playground inspection is scheduled for Feb. 22. EASTCONN is exploring different
possibilities for a special education facility, busing, etc.

Financial Report
a. Review of bills-The bills were reviewed and in order.
b. 2023-24 BOE Spending Plan-We are on target and there could be potential savings in tuition.

Old Business

a. 2024-25 BOE Spending Plan- The current 5.62% increase was presented to the BOF. Supt./Prin.
Jackopsic proposed an adjustment in tuition, as we recently received 24-25 rates from Woodstock
Academy, to reduce the percentage to a 4.98% increase. A. Blank made a motion to reduce the 2024-25
Spending Plan to an increase of 4.98%. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously
b. Policy Review 2nd Reading- Members have reviewed the policies.
c. Ad Hoc Committee- The Committee met tonight. A date of March 31st has been set to receive dra
agreements from the high schools and requests to visit Tolland High School,
E.O. Smith High School and The Woodstock Academy by April 30.

New Business

a. Woodstock Academy (1-year extension for 24-25 School Year)- A. Blank made a motion to approve a
one-year contract extension with Woodstock Academy at the current specifications of $17,702
(includes $493 capital assessment fee) tuition per student. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The
motion unanimously carried.

b. Kindergarten Starting Age and Structure- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic emphasized the need to brainstorm
to put a plan in place and consider all factors, as well as discussing with individual parents.

At this time, A. Blank made a motion to move Individuals to Be Heard before the Superintendent
Mid-Year Review. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
Individuals to be heard- A. Anthony had questions regarding the Ad Hoc Committee.

c. Superintendent Mid-Year Review (Possible Executive Session)- A. Blank made a motion for the
Board of Education to enter executive session for the Superintendent Mid-Year Review. E. Fournier
seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The Board of Education exited the executive
session at 8: 12 pm.

Motion to adjourn at 8:14 pm. by A. Blank. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8: 14 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary

Union Board of Education

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins,

Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Others Attending: A. Anthony

Approval of Minutes

E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from December 13, 2023. Seconded by J. Kavanagh. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: None.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent and Principal’s Report- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic reported that the new reading program grant has been approved for K-3. This includes materials and professional learning. The HVAC system was checked and serviced before the holiday break. Everything is functioning well. The water retesting conducted by Phoenix Labs came back clean. They sent results to the state. 8th grade high school applications are underway. We recently had some weather-related closings and delays.

Committee Reports

  1. Curriculum- Will be setting a date to review the new reading program.
  2. Communication- Will address under Old Business.
  3. Transportation- Regular bus drivers are back. Bus cameras, GPS are tools used to monitor.
  4. Personnel- none.
  5. Building- Lockdown drill held today and went very well. Notices for drill went home to parents. New legislation from the state will require inspections/reviews for air quality and HVAC system.
  6. EASTCONN- none.

Financial Report

  1. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.
  2. 2023-24 BOE Spending Plan- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic said we are right on target at this point in the year.

 Old Business

a.  Community Conversation- The Board will vote in February for the one-year extension (through 24-25) to our contract with The Woodstock Academy. Supt./Prin. Jackopsic will be looking for more input from the Advisory Committee and the public. He asked the Board to create an Ad Hoc subcommittee to focus on high school options. He also suggested to set up a tour to visit E.O. Smith High School and The Woodstock Academy with Board members and interested parents/students. A. Blank made a motion to create a subcommittee to focus on high school options. E. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

b. 2024-2025 BOE Spending Plan- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic distributed copies of the 2024-2025 proposed budget. He asked the Board to approve the budget as presented for the Board of Finance to review. A. Blank made a motion for the Board of Education to approve the 20242025 Spending Plan as presented to present to the Board of Finance. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

New Business

  1. None.

Individuals to be heard– A. Anthony had questions about the possible frequency of the new Ad Hoc committee meetings and asked the Board to consider including students to visit high schools being considered.


Motion by A. Blank to adjourn at 7:30 pm. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 6:30 pm

Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins,

Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Others Attending: A. Anthony

Approval of Minutes

E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from December 13, 2023. Seconded by J. Kavanagh. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: None.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent and Principal’s Report- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic reported that the new reading program grant has been approved for K-3. This includes materials and professional learning. The HVAC system was checked and serviced before the holiday break. Everything is functioning well. The water retesting conducted by Phoenix Labs came back clean. They sent results to the state. 8th grade high school applications are underway. We recently had some weather-related closings and delays.

Committee Reports

  1. Curriculum- Will be setting a date to review the new reading program.
  2. Communication- Will address under Old Business.
  3. Transportation- Regular bus drivers are back. Bus cameras, GPS are tools used to monitor.
  4. Personnel- none.
  5. Building- Lockdown drill held today and went very well. Notices for drill went home to parents. New legislation from the state will require inspections/reviews for air quality and HVAC system.
  6. EASTCONN- none.

Financial Report

  1. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.
  2. 2023-24 BOE Spending Plan- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic said we are right on target at this point in the year.

 Old Business

a.  Community Conversation- The Board will vote in February for the one-year extension (through 24-25) to our contract with The Woodstock Academy. Supt./Prin. Jackopsic will be looking for more input from the Advisory Committee and the public. He asked the Board to create an Ad Hoc subcommittee to focus on high school options. He also suggested to set up a tour to visit E.O. Smith High School and The Woodstock Academy with Board members and interested parents/students. A. Blank made a motion to create a subcommittee to focus on high school options. E. Perkins seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

b. 2024-2025 BOE Spending Plan- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic distributed copies of the 2024-2025 proposed budget. He asked the Board to approve the budget as presented for the Board of Finance to review. A. Blank made a motion for the Board of Education to approve the 20242025 Spending Plan as presented to present to the Board of Finance. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

New Business

  1. None.

Individuals to be heard– A. Anthony had questions about the possible frequency of the new Ad Hoc committee meetings and asked the Board to consider including students to visit high schools being considered.


Motion by A. Blank to adjourn at 7:30 pm. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, December 13, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:31 pm by Andrea Estell.
Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann
Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
Others Attending: none.
Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from November 8 and 30, 2023.
Seconded by M. Silbermann. Approved with one abstention.
Individuals to be heard- none.
Communications: Sup./Prin. Jackopsic read a letter of thanks from First Selectman Dave Eaton for the Veterans Day festivities that students presented. He also noted that he received a letter from The Woodstock Academy approving a one-year extension.
Administrative Reports and Activities Summary
a. Superintendent’s/Principal’s and Staff Report- We are continuing to develop our reading program and will be using grant money for professional learning and new reading program materials. Report cards went home last week. Received wellness grants. The opioid grant ($5,000.00) will be used to purchase an interactive digital message board with displays. The vaping grant (~$2,200.00) will be used for prevention/wellness bench and various programming (including, “Hidden in Plain Sight”). We will be implementing the new teacher evaluation system next year. Another movie night was held recently and went well. After school clubs continue to be popular. Paul Wentworth recently held a CPR/AED class for middle school students and staff. Mrs. Hull is filling in for Mrs. Couillard who is on maternity leave, Mrs. Jacoboski is filling in for Mrs. Zulick-Bessette, and Mrs. Barillaro will fill in for Mrs. Crawford when she takes maternity leave soon. Safety Committee will be meeting in the new year to discuss/review current and new plans. The school grounds are all set for winter. The auditors are near completion and a few EFS adjustments have been made. We are still in communication with Stafford Public Schools regarding the possible lunch program.
Committee Reports
a. Curriculum- will be meeting soon.
b. Communication- will be meeting soon.
c. Transportation- We have had different bus drivers recently. We have received a few complaints from parents. Monitoring with security cameras and GPS.
d. Personnel- Making adjustments to para and maintenance pay rates.
e. Building- Phoenix Labs regularly tests our water. Recent testing showed that lead levels were slightly above the norm in one testing location in the building. It was noted that this is not uncommon, and the faucet had recently been serviced by a plumber. Retesting has been done, and we are waiting for the results.
f. EASTCONN- A scholarship fund has been set up. A maintenance person with certification inspecting playgrounds has been hired. Electric Boat has acquired a STEM bus.
Financial Report
a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.
b. 2023-24 Board of Ed Spending Plan- We are on target so far.
Old Business
a. Community Conversation- The meeting went well. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic distributed notes from the meeting. Possibilities were discussed to drive and support making a decision for a high school. As stated earlier in the meeting, The Woodstock Academy has extended our contract through the 24-25 school year until the BOE decision has been made. It has been suggested that the area technical schools visit our students for additional school possibilities. Another Communication Committee meeting may be held, and the possibility of a follow-up survey to the community was discussed.
New Business
a. 2024-2025 BOE Spending Plan- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic presented an overview of the new proposed budget. He went over the main points. The Board will vote on the budget at the January meeting and then submit to the town.
b. PK Non-Resident Tuition- Supt./Prin Jackopsic and the Board discussed non-resident rates. Discussion held on the current rate of $3,000.00 for the 180-day school year for children of staff and other rates for various situations. Parents are responsible for transportation. We recently had a current preschool student move out of town and parent inquired about possibility to stay for remainder of school year. E. Fournier made a motion to adopt a prorated tuition rate of $4,000.00 (180-day rate) for preschool tuition for current students who now reside in another town to finish the school year in Union. A. Blank seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.
c. Reopening Plan- Continued efforts for continuing our current plan.
Individuals to be heard- none.
Motion by to adjourn at 8:12 pm. by A. Blank. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:12 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education Special Meeting Minutes
November 30, 2023
Discussion was held about future high school possibilities and financial implications. Parents and
community members shared their thoughts, ideas and concerns about high school possibilities and
costs. Some possible next steps were shared.

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S.
Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
Others Attending: none.

Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from October 11 and 25, 2023. Seconded by A.
Blank. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: none.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent/Principal’s and Staff Report- Curriculum work continues. The Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt reading program was reviewed and will be piloted in the near future. Information will be
shared with Curriculum Committee. On October 20, Gary Peterson was here to facilitate professional
development. The Curriculum Committee will be meeting soon to discuss the $15,000.00 Right to Read
grant that we’ll be applying for. Teachers continue to work on math pacing in the iReady program to
tailor to individual students and interim assessments. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic will be attending an
EASTCONN workshop next week with the focus on new evaluation system. On Friday, (Nov. 10) the
students will be participating in a town Veterans Day event featuring the student band and student
artwork. The recent fire prevention program was well received. The new playground has been
installed. Carl’s
memorial is complete. The Lion’s Club conducted hearing and vision screenings along with our school
nurses. The family movie night and haunted walk went well and raised money for the class of 2024.
There is another movie night planned before Thanksgiving. After school activities have been a big
hit. Paul Wentworth will be at the school on Nov. 17 for CPR training. Auditors are wrapping things
up for the 2022-23 fiscal year. We are waiting to hear from Stafford Schools regarding meals.
Parent-teacher conferences are almost complete.
EASTCONN will be providing a credit for the number of days the school has had only one bus in the

Committee Reports
a. Curriculum- Scheduling a meeting soon.

b. Communication- More info later in the meeting.
c. Transportation- Credit from EASTCONN as mentioned earlier.
d. Personnel- none.
e. Building- Will be meeting with the Safety Committee.

f. EASTCCONN-none.

Financial Report
a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.

b. 2022-23 Board of Ed Spending Plan- Wrapping up the fiscal year with a surplus of
~$52,000.00. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic distributed the final report with end of the year adjustments.

c. 2023-24 Board of Ed Spending Plan- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic distributed the current budget. We are
on target so far.
Old Business
a. Community Conversation- The Communication Committee focused discussion on E.O. Smith High School
and The Woodstock Academy-financial implications and special education, etc. More information to
come in comparing schools. Dave Howes will be here to facilitate the Community Conversation.
New Business
a. 2024 BOE Draft Meeting Schedule- Due to submit to the Town Clerk’s office.
M. Silbermann made a motion to accept and send the meeting schedule for the 2024 year to the Town
Clerk’s office. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

b. CABE presentation follow-up- The presentation was very thorough.

Individuals to be heard- E. Fournier asked if the school has a defibrillator. The school does have

Motion by to adjourn at 7:24 pm. by M. Silbermann. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary

October 23, 2023
Communication Committee Meeting Minutes

Attending: A. Estell, E. Perkins, E. Fournier, S. Jackopsic, A. Anthony, E. Forziati, J. McCusker

Meeting Summary:
Meeting was called to order at 4:20pm. Meeting focused on planning for Community Conversation on
November 30th. Schedule for conversation was discussed and will be ~5:30- 8:00pm. Topics discussed
included high school possibilities and narrowing down the list of possibilities, mailer,
informational page of high school possibilities, historical context of tuition increases, ways to
solicit feedback from community members, possibility of ad hoc committee, transportation and budget
Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Union Board of Education

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 6:30pm

Union School Library



Members Present:  James Kavanagh, Edward Fournier, Amy Blank, Emily Perkins, Andrea Estell, and Superintend/Principal Steven Jackopsic

Also Present:  Nick Caruso, Connecticut Association of Boards of Education

  1. Estell called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m. Mr. Caruso gave a presentation on the roles and responsibilities of CT Board of Education members. A question-and-answer session followed Mr. Caruso’s presentation.
  2. Blank made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 p.m. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Estell, Acting Secretary

October 23, 2023
Communication Committee Meeting Minutes

Attending: A. Estell, E. Perkins, E. Fournier, S. Jackopsic, A. Anthony, E. Forziati, J. McCusker

Meeting Summary:
Meeting was called to order at 4:20pm. Meeting focused on planning for Community Conversation on
November 30th. Schedule for conversation was discussed and will be ~5:30- 8:00pm. Topics discussed
included high school possibilities and narrowing down the list of possibilities, mailer,
informational page of high school possibilities, historical context of tuition increases, ways to
solicit feedback from community members, possibility of ad hoc committee, transportation and budget
Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

October 23, 2023
Communication Committee Meeting Minutes

Attending: A. Estell, E. Perkins, E. Fournier, S. Jackopsic, A. Anthony, E. Forziati, J. McCusker

Meeting Summary:
Meeting was called to order at 4:20pm. Meeting focused on planning for Community Conversation on
November 30th. Schedule for conversation was discussed and will be ~5:30- 8:00pm. Topics discussed
included high school possibilities and narrowing down the list of possibilities, mailer,
informational page of high school possibilities, historical context of tuition increases, ways to
solicit feedback from community members, possibility of ad hoc committee, transportation and budget
Meeting adjourned at 5:40pm.

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, October 11, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic,
M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
Others Attending: D. Eaton

Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from September 27, 2023. Seconded by M.
Silbermann. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard: none.

Communications: none.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent’s/Principal’s and Staff Report- Auditors have been out Oct. 10 and 11 and
everything going well so far. They are in the process of finalizing everything. Going forward, the
process should be simplified next year since we are processing payroll, AP, etc. in- house. We are
exploring a variety of high school possibilities. Sent out a survey to parents for Stafford meals
to see what interest families have and how to move forward. After school clubs began today. Clubs
are based on student interest. We are having transportation challenges due to driver shortages.
Advisors, Ms. Agosto and Mrs. Deptula, are planning and coordinating fundraisers for 7th and 8th
grade classes. The Fall Fest and Pumpkin Derby are Friday, Oct. 13. Teachers will attend
professional development Oct. 20. Met with SERAC for wellness and vaping grant and possibility of a
middle school leadership opportunity and an opioid grant. Nurses have completed vision and hearing
screenings. Scheduling a CPR session. Narcan training has been provided. Also considering Stop the
Bleed training.
Committee Reports

a. Curriculum- none.
b. Communication- Will be setting a date to meet to plan Community Conversation
c. Transportation- none.

d. Personnel- Will be meeting in the near future to adjust wages keeping in line with state minimum
wage increases.

e. Building- Two parents have expressed interest in joining the Safety Committee. Our cleaning
service, Jan Pro is increasing fees 5% in January 2024.
f. EASTCCONN- none.

Financial Report
a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.

b. 2022-23 Board of Ed Spending Plan- Wrapping up with auditors.
c. 2023-2024 BOE Spending Plan-As we come to the end of the first quarter, we are on target. High
school enrollment numbers are as projected.
Old Business
a. Community Conversation- Save the date notices for Nov. 30 went out. Dave Howes from Project IMO
has agreed to work with us on student health and wellness, as well as facilitating the Community
New Business
a. High School Possibilities- Supt./Prin. Jackopsic distributed information for the possible school
choices. This included the current 2023-24 rates as well as future projections. Will balance cost
with quality of schools by possibly inviting individuals from the schools for a presentation. We
will look for feedback from the public at the Community Conversation. The possibility of a one-year
extension in our contract with The Woodstock Academy to allow for more time to explore high school
possibilities was discussed. J. Kavanagh made a motion to direct Supt./Prin. Jackopsic to ask The
Woodstock Academy for a one-year extension. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion unanimously

b. Covid Policy- The state has encouraged schools to consult with their local health departments to
develop their own policies. Supt./Prin. Jackopsic stated our local health department has advised us
not to make any changes at this time and stay with the 5/5 plan (5 days out/5 days w/ mask). E.
Fournier made a motion to maintain our current Covid policy in line with the local health
department recommendations. M. Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

c. Superintendent and Principal’s Contracts (Possible Executive Session) E. Fournier made a motion
to enter executive session including S. Jackopsic to review the Superintendent and Principal
contracts. M. Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously with the Board
entering executive session at 8:09 pm. The Board exited executive session at 8:29 pm. M. Silbermann
made a motion to add one year to the existing Superintendent’s contract and the Principal’s
contract including a 4% increase for the third year in each contract. E. Perkins seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Motion to adjourn at 8:31 pm by E. Fournier. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:31 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 6:30 pm
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:39 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic,
M. Powers, Rec. Secretary
Others Attending: P. Zulick-Bessette, D. Eaton, N. Maciolek, D. Maciolek

Approval of Minutes
E. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from August 23, 2023. Seconded by J. Kavanagh.
Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: Sup./Prin. Jackopsic received a welcome back letter from The Woodstock Academy.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent’s/Principal’s and Staff Report- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic asked the Board to move the
executive session from 9a to the end of section 9. E. Fournier made a motion to move item 9a
(Discussion and Possible Action on Teacher Contract) to the end of section 9.
M. Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried.

Sup./Prin. Jackopsic said that the school year is off to a great start. The school held its first
fire drill and Wolf Den (meets monthly). He also met with the Stafford Food Services Director to
brainstorm ideas for possibilities with its food services for our school. Will report costs and
possibilities at the October meeting. He also attended a Superintendents meeting which informed
superintendents of legislative mandates recently passed. Some include: HVAC and air quality
inspections, LEA responsibility for students with special education through their age 22 school
year. The new reading program start date is being pushed back to the start of the 2025-26 school
year. Entitlement grants are available for the program.
The Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen approved using American Rescue Plan funds for the
Preschool playground. Work should begin in ~4 to 6 weeks. Parents have been invited to participate
in the School Safety and Advisory Committees. More to come regarding fundraising. Open House is
September 28 from 6-7 pm. The auditors will be in October 10 and 11 to complete our annual audit.
Parent-teacher conferences will be held in early November.

Committee Reports

a. Curriculum- Once we receive all of the materials for the reading programs we can review them.

b. Communication- none
c. Transportation- Reviewing projected times w/ actual times.

d. Personnel- none
e. Building- Everything is good for now.
f. EASTCCONN- none

Financial Report
a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.

b. 2022-23 BOE Spending Plan- As stated earlier in the meeting, we’re meeting with auditors to wrap
everything up October 10 and 11.

c. 2023-24 BOE Spending Plan- On target as we close first quarter.
Old Business
a. None

New Business
a. Superintendent Goals- Continue to develop intervention to improve math achievement and growth.
Teaching and curriculum development in reading, math and science. Professional development for
staff members. Continuation of Wellness Program (Choose Love and PAWS) and review of school safety

b. Community Conversation Discussion- High School options and financial implications. Exploring
possibilities with The Woodstock Academy, Stafford, E.O. Smith, Putnam and Tolland High Schools.
Will present costs at the next meeting. November 30 is the tentative date for the Community
Conversation with the possibility of Dave Howes of EASTCONN returning to facilitate.

Individuals to be heard- N. Maciolek had questions and concerns about transportation.

c. Discussion and Possible Action on Teacher Contract (Possible Executive Session- J. – Kavanagh
made a motion to move to executive session. E. Fournier seconded the motion. A. Estell made a
motion to invite P. Zulick-Bessette and Sup./Prin. Jackopsic to enter the session. E. Fournier
seconded the motion. The meeting unanimously entered executive session. The Board exited executive
session at 7:53 pm. J. Kavanagh made a motion to
accept the teachers’ contract as reviewed in executive session. E. Fournier seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously carried.

Motion by to adjourn at 7:55 pm. by E. Fournier. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:40 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann

Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Others Attending: none.

Approval of Minutes

  1. Fournier made a motion to approve the minutes from July 12, 2023.

Seconded by M. Silbermann. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: none.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary


  1. Superintendent’s/Principal’s and Staff Report- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic noted he has met with various staff members throughout the summer. Scheduling is in place and we are well-prepared for the school year. The HVAC system, sprinkler system, alarms, fire extinguishers, water system and building cleaning have all been completed. Working on the EFS report. He spoke with Stafford’s Director of Food Services about the possibility of the lunch program returning later this year. We currently have twenty-six high school students.

Committee Reports


  1. Curriculum- The application deadline for the Reading Program Grant has been extended until later this fall. We hope to select an approved program by the end of the year and pilot next year.
  1. Communication- none.
  1. Transportation- Routes in process of being finalized.
  1. Personnel- The Administrative Assistant’s contract has been reviewed.
  1. Building- The school safety plan will be updated this fall.
  1. EASTCONN- none.

Financial Report


  1. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.
  1. 2022-23 Board of Ed Spending Plan- Well under budgeted amount.
  1. 2023-24 Board of Ed Spending Plan- We are on target with the new fiscal year so far.

Old Business


  1. Teacher Contract Negotiations- A. Estell reported that four meetings were held and that the process has gone smoothly. Some of the verbiage needs to be reviewed by the BOE attorney. More information on finalization at the next meeting.

New Business


  1. BOE Goals Discussion for 23-24 School Year- A. Estell stressed that policy revisions are a priority. CABE has put together policies that the Board can select and decide which ones we will utilize. CABE’s Nick Caruso can come in to give a presentation to Board members. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic would like to hold another Community Conversation this fall to discuss high school options in the future.
  1. Preschool Tuition Funding Use- Last year, we piloted tuition for staff at $3000.00 plus any additional fees for special services, as needed. The possible use of the funding was discussed.

Individuals to be heard– none.


Motion by to adjourn at 7:26 pm. by E. Fournier. M. Silbermann seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:26 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education
Union, CT 06076
Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Union School Library
Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:37 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh, E. Perkins, M. Silbermann Sup./Prin. S.
Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Election of Officers: A. Blank made a motion to open nomination. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion.
The motion unanimously carried. E. Fournier moved to nominate A. Estell as Chairperson. A. Blank
seconded the motion. E. Fournier moved to nominate A. Blank as Vice-Chairperson. J. Kavanagh
seconded the motion. E. Fournier moved to nominate M. Silbermann as Secretary. A. Blank seconded
the motion. All motions unanimously carried. BOE members were sworn in by H. Bradrick, Town Clerk.

Approval of Minutes
J. Kavanagh made a motion to approve the minutes from June 28, 2023. Seconded by A. Blank.
Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: none.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary

a. Superintendent and Principal’s Report- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic reported that invoices for the
2022-23 school year continue to come in. The annual audit begins next week. A thorough cleaning of
the building is underway. Lighting replacement in the gym is complete. The HVAC system has been
repaired. The school grounds have been well kept. Next week the trench for the drainage of the
water system will be dug. The extended school year is underway. A social/emotional learning webinar
is coming up soon. Sup./Prin. Jackopsic will be meeting with the middle school team next week. The
Woodstock Academy sent a letter that they have received our letter regarding the high school
agreement and are open to future discussions.

Committee Reports

E. Fournier made a motion to add subcommittees to the agenda. A. Blank seconded the motion. Motion
passed. A. Estell gave an overview of each subcommittee. Board members then volunteered for the
a. Curriculum- E. Fournier and J. Kavanagh.

b. Communication- A. Blank and E. Perkins.

c. Transportation- J. Kavanagh
d. Personnel- A. Estell and A. Blank.

e. Building- E. Fournier and M. Silbermann
f. EASTCCONN- A. Blank.
Financial Report

a. Review of bills- The bills were reviewed and in order.
b. 2022-23 Board of Ed Spending Plan-More detail to come in August as final bills are paid.

c. 2023-24 Board of Spending Plan-Number of budgeted high school tuitions are in alignment with
current rosters.
Old Business
a. None.

New Business
a. ESSER APR Funding- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic provided handouts to the board members which give an
overview of the funding. This can also be found on the website.

b. Memorial- Ideas are being discussed for a memorial for Carl Myers in collaboration with his

c. Staff Tuition- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic would like to continue the pilot program. Will discuss at
future meetings.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Motion by to adjourn at 7:24 pm by A. Blank. E. Fournier seconded the motion. The motion
unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:24 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michele Powers, Recording Secretary.

Union Board of Education

Special Meeting Minutes

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, June 28, 2023 at 6:30 pm


Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:40pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, R., E. Fournier, J. Kavanaugh, Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic

Others Attending: P. Rae, P. Zulick-Bessette, E. Perkins

  1. Blank made a motion to enter Executive Session inviting P. Rae, P. Zulick-Bessette, S. Jackopsic and E. Perkins.  E. Fournier seconded the motion.  BOE went into Executive Session at 6:45pm.

Executive Session ended at 6:56pm.

Motion by E. Fournier was made to accept Mr. Rae’s resignation with regrets and approve teacher separation agreement.  A. Blank seconded the motion.  The motion unanimously carried.

Teacher Contract Negotiations Update-Two sessions were held thus far.  Next session is scheduled for week of July 17th.


Motion to adjourn at 7:00pm made by A. Blank. J. Kavanagh seconded the motion. The motion unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.

Union Board of Education

Special Meeting

Union, CT 06076

Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Union School Library

Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm by Andrea Estell.

Attending: A. Estell, A. Blank, E. Fournier, J. Kavanagh

Sup./Prin. S. Jackopsic, M. Powers, Rec. Secretary

Others Attending: D. Eaton, E. Perkins, M. Huda

Approval of Minutes

  1. Blank made a motion to approve the minutes from May 10, 2023.

Seconded by E. Fournier. Unanimously approved.

Individuals to be heard- none.

Communications: Sup./Prin. Jackopsic confirmed that Woodstock Academy confirmed they had received the letter that Union School will not continue with the current agreement.

Administrative Reports and Activities Summary


  1. Superintendent and Principal’s Report- Sup./Prin. Jackopsic listed the most recent activities and field trips. Included field trips were Project Oceanology, tour of Boston, the Southwick Zoo. Field Day was a success. The activities with the Yale Collaborative continue to go well. They met with grades 5-8 on June 7 and will meet with grades K-4 on June 9. The 8th grade went on the annual fishing and barbeque trip. Ms. Agosto’s class will hold their book signing at The Grove on June 14. Graduation will take place at The Grove on June 15. The SBAC testing for grades 3-8 has been completed. He is wrapping up the budget and completing observations/reports.

Committee Reports
